My comfort zone

Carolina Bustamante
2 min readSep 18, 2016


Last Friday, I was sitting in school when a friend of mine approached me. She told me that I should come to Fugaz that Saturday. I had no idea what it was, so I asked her. After she told me I still didn’t quite understand what it was. The only thing I understood was that it was a club in the school that would go to “El Callao Monumental” on Saturdays and meet up with kids. I had no idea what you did with the kids, who the kids were, where they came from, or basically anything else, but I decided to give it a shot anyways.

I went completely empty handed, I had no idea what I was getting myself into, yet somehow I came back with a huge smile on my face and with a feeling of satisfaction. Not only was the experience incredible, but the feeling of doing something without knowing what the outcome would be felt amazing.

Turns out that Fugaz is a fascinating project in which you get to connect with kids that live in Callao Monumental in their own neighbourhood, which by the way is a beautiful place. It is an area in el Callao that screams creativity, it beams with murals, street art and sculptures. In Fugaz I met so many kids that had such interesting back stories, I got to see what a few hours in their life was like.

My main takeaway from this experience is that I should start taking more chances. I should start to do more things without knowing what might happen. If I’m always walking on the easy road, I will never grow. It’s not exactly about living on the edge and risking everything, but it’s about taking risks and trying new things every once in awhile.

I need to try new things, things that I might’ve never tried before. By living this way, I will find out what I like and what I don’t through personal experience instead of assuming. I will also open more doors that lead to new opportunities. And through time, I will overcome my fear of failure. I know that failure is not bad, but I still can’t help fearing it sometimes. By taking more and more risks, I will get more used to failure and I will get better at learning from failure.

I am a person who tends to stick to the easy things, things that don’t really let me step out of my comfort zone. I need to change this, start trying new things, things that are not in my comfort zone.

