Somebody please tell me how to manage time

19th Sequence
3 min readMay 18, 2023


Photo by Luis Villasmil on Unsplash

My girlfriend and I sit face to face, I start a conversation:

“babe, how to manages time?” ask me to her.

Her brows furrowed: confused, “Your time management is amazing, babe”

Even though my girlfriend said like that, but no, I still struggle managing my time effectively. I am a teenager with many hobbies: writing, playing basketball, boxing, and making music. Alongside with friends, I have a goal to make a company like Disney, Pixar, and DreamWorks where we can develop our own fantasy characters, worlds, and stories — We’ve already start our journey, check out our Medium account: Cheesy Spooky.

Worrying about my future also makes me think about my finances. To prepare that, now Im starting to build up my value; working as a content creator, learn about my dream job, investment, and developing some side hustle. Gratefully that I can still manage my time even though I cant focus on each pursuit. Heres the problem, when you have so many things you want to do, and many responsibilities to attend to, how do you manages them?

I just took a deep breath, not replying. She know for sure, “just do what you want. If you want to makes some beat now, do it. If you want to learn about your dream job now, do it.”

I tried to disagree, but I ended up doing exactly as she said without realizing it. During my free time, I chose to scroll through social media and finds someone playing ‘Autumn Leaves’ very well on their guitar. So I get up and pick up my guitar immediately. Havent finished yet, it is already evening so I headed out to play basketball. I found myself doing something impulsively and leaving it unfinished.

I dont want to be generalist person

I want to play guitar as well as Sungha Jung. I want to box as well as Ryan Garcia. I want to play basketball as well as Trae Young. Sometimes I get very excited imagining myself to be like that. However, all of that enthusiasm vanishes when I realize, “omg what about my finances? What should I do to get rich, financial freedom, or whatever it say". Then I fucked up, waiting for my impulsiveness to take control again.

Its hard to leave one hobby and focusing on another. I want to become expert in all of them, while also striving to get rich at the same time. So there is no ‘prioritize order’ — idk its a right phrase or not, but lowkey I love it. So, yeah — on my hobbies, which leads me think that time management is the only solution that I have.

Prioritize order vs time management

That — my previous paragraph — was my eagerness. Written when I got extremely confidence all of a sudden. Now, with my clear mind, I think that setting a prioritize is a good approach. However, I have held onto this mindset — I can to become expert on those on the same time: no prioritize order — for a long time. To me, its represents unparalleled satisfaction or exhilarating achievement.

So what you gonna do? Tell me a tips about time management or tells me if I am wrong and should set priorities?

