1World Online Announces a Strategic Global Partnership with BitClave to Better Matching ICOs with Investors

AngelList meets Kickstarter for Blockchain startups

1World Online
4 min readMay 1, 2018
1World Online and BitClave

1World Online, the world’s first blockchain-powered engagement and revenue platform for publishers and brands, recently raised $10.8 million during its ICO (Initial Coin Offering). The company has announced today partnership with BitClave, the world’s first decentralized search engine that notably reached its crowdsale target of $25.5 million from 13K participants within 32 seconds.

1World Online integrates its interactive data collection tools into BitClave’s new product called MatchICO, which is the platform for matching the best new ICO projects with ICO investors without intermediaries. In MatchICO, investors decide what personal data to share and get rewarded with tokens each time an ICO project uses this personal data. Integrating 1WO interaction tools into the Match ICO platform gives a number of advantages for both companies:

  1. Improvement in feedback collection and better profiling for matched ICO services
  2. Adding in internal conversion/exchange of 1WO and CAT tokens
  3. Sharing costs in business development efforts in the US and globally
1World Online’s Widget on BitClave’s MatchICO

1World Widgets are a proven solution with over 2000 publishers, such as SF Examiner, MMA Weekly, Times Group and others. With these partnerships, the platform has an established track record as an effective feedback collections tool. 1World Online is leveraging its 6 plus years experience to make sure MatchICO.com gets the best possible profiling of ICO deals. With this partnership, MatchICO.com will be able to become one of the best platforms for high quality deal flow in the crypto space.

With the introduction of internal token conversions, companies can give additional value to MatchICO.com users. Since investors and entrepreneurs will be incentivized to share more information about themselves by earning 1WO tokens, they would be able to use some of these tokens for MatchICO services without the need of utilizing external exchanges. This reduces the cost of converting tokens, and expands the use case for users. For example, investors could convert some their 1WO tokens to get more attention from ICO projects, while ICO projects could convert some for their earned CAT tokens to run an advertising campaign for one of their portfolio companies with 1World Online.

As blockchain and ICOs are relatively new markets, it takes a significant amount of effort to spread the news about emerging opportunities and use cases available for people who are already in crypto, or planning to jump in. With so many ICOs raised last year, this market is expected to have exponential growth, challenging traditional funding models. 1World Online and BitClave are likely to experience significant synergy in business development efforts, spreading the word about new use cases for cryptocurrencies. This partnership should help to increase awareness about both the MatchICO.com and 1World Online platforms, accelerating the speed of brand recognition for both companies and facilitating the development of more quality deals for customers.

“1World is very excited to be a part of this partnership with BitClave, since we could leverage our tools and experience in feedback collections that should significantly improve user profiling in the match ICO platform and support in building better quality ICO ecosystem. It is a very valuable case of using 1World on this new markets with high engagement and revenue potential”, said Alex Fedosseev, co-founder and CEO of 1World Online.

“We believe that working together with 1World Online interactive platform is going to significantly improve user experience and provide a significant value for both ICO investors and ICO companies.”, said BitClave’s founder and CEO Alex Bessonov.

About 1World Online

1World Online, a Blockchain-powered Engagement & Monetization Platform for Publishers & Brands. It provides simple but effective engagement applications, unique engaging content, ongoing market research, online advertising and promotion capabilities, and insightful end-user analytics. 1World Online has raised $20 in funding with $10.8 million in contributions during its recent ICO. 1World is headquartered in Silicon Valley and has offices in Palo Alto, CA, on the USA East Coast, Europe, India, Japan, Ukraine and now Singapore.

About BitClave

BitClave uses blockchain to eliminate the ad service middleman. The company’s objective is to create a direct connection between businesses and customers. BitClave is building a decentralized search engine that helps users search for items without losing control of their own personal information. Users also get compensated every time they click on search results for products and services from their favorite brands. The process makes third-party advertising networks unnecessary. BitClave raised $25 million during its November ’17 crowdsale, where participants from 130+ countries came together. BitClave is headquartered in Mountain View, CA with its team members spread across the world.



1World Online

1World Online is an Award-winning Software Platform for Interactive Marketing Campaigns based in Silicon Valley. Visit us at https://welcome.1worldonline.com/