Introverts: A Personality to be considered

Abdul Imran
3 min readJan 20, 2018


Image Credits: hunterwalk

What is the core meaning of Introvert?

According to dictionary..

Noun: A shy person or Someone who is shy, quiet, and unable to make friends easily.

Psychology: A person characterized by concern primarily with his or her own thoughts and feelings.

So, If we go through these definitions we can say that Its very difficult for Introverts to be a successful personality, right? But history says Something else as we have many successful Introverts who changed the meaning of the word “Introvert.”

Don’t believe me?? Check this out.

Successful Introverts:

  1. J.K. Rowling
  2. Bill Gates
  3. Abraham Lincoln
  4. Albert Einstein
  5. Emma Watson
  6. Mahatma Gandhi
  7. Warren Buffett
  8. Steven Spielberg
  9. Isaac Newton
  10. Mark Zuckerberg
  11. Larry Page
  12. Hillary Clinton
  13. Michael Jordan
  14. Elon Musk
  15. Barack Obama
  16. Jonny Depp
  17. Lady Gaga
  18. Steve Wozniak

And here are the resources, (I don’t sell fake stories :-D)

Source-1: 23 of the Most Amazingly Successful Introverts in History

Source-2: 16 Super Successful Introverts

Image Credits: pinterest

As per my observations and knowledge here are some of the facts about Introverts:

  1. Introverts while alone turns into a craziest personality (but you can’t watch their craziness or else you have to spy them :-D You can’t handle the personality they hold :-P )
  2. Their perspective about things is different from others, as they see things differently.
  3. Self-respect is always their first priority(which is why they don’t talk much I guess).
  4. They love to listen more than to talk(maybe they are interested in grabbing knowledge people holds with them).
  5. They don’t make many friends (Yea everyone knew this) but only a few know the reason behind it. I think Introverts don’t make a friend for granted but for long term friendship[If you have an Introvert friend, yay!! You are the lucky one :-) ]

Introverts are mostly Confused personalities:

  • They wanted to do everything at the same time don’t want anything(Yea that’s a creepy one :-D).
  • They want to go outside and fly but at the same time just want to spend time alone at home.
  • They don’t care about what others think about them, at the same time they want everyone to Interact with them.
Image credit: wordpress

Introverts during a conversation:

Positive Side of introverts:

  • They are always true to their dear ones.
  • They are definitely trustworthy.
  • They are the best secret keepers.
  • Introverts can never be demanding.

Negative Side of them:

  • They can change their mood anytime.
  • They can avoid you sometimes even If you are his/her best friend.
  • They are bad at group meetings.

My theory about personality type:

I guess no one in the world belongs to a particular category, Everyone is an Introvert and Extrovert at the same time It’s just the matter of situation and personality kind which they wanted to merge with. I’ve even seen Extroverts to be an Introverts and Introverts to be an Extroverts for just a little time. So, I guess all that matters is with whom we are hanging out with. Peoples should trust each other irrespective of the personality they hold, If this is possible then we can form a good community of people which even change the world we are living today.

“If you know me since a decade, then you believe that I am an Extrovert, If you know me since 10 days, then you believe that I am an Introvert but there is a gap between these two which makes me an ambivert.” ―Imran



Abdul Imran

The world is a hallucination where everyone is satisfied with their fake principles.