Easily Find Email Address From Social Media Platform

2 min readMar 17, 2020


You may be a Businessman, Internet marketer, advertiser, affiliate marketer, freelancer or recruiter. You mostly got to contact with people and sale your product or service. The most effective and professional way is cold email marketing.

Searching someone email address in every social media site, is time consuming and difficult task. Here is website for that emailidfinder.com .You can search email id from given name , last name, city, company name or you can directly search by keywords.

Here we discuss about searching with keyword:

Suppose you’ve got product or service associated with pets in new york city and you would like to attach with those have curious about cats or who have business related therein. Go to Website, type in search box “Cat New York”.


Let’s say you want to connect with Sales Executive in San Francisco, type “Sales Executive San Francisco” and hit the search button.

Move tab to Non Company Email ID-1 and Non Company Email ID-2. you’ll get results from Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.

If you would like to gather all email address at a time you can use Chrome Extension Email Exporter. (Check options for shift HTML to TEXT)

If you want to know more about searching with Names and Company read this blog.

