Asger Jorn & Jacqueline de Jong: The Case of the Ascetic Satyr: Snapshots from Eternityfull_acces

Farok Dehil
1 min readOct 29, 2019


In 1962, while living in Paris, Dutch painter, sculptor and editor of The Situationist Times Jacqueline de Jong (born 1939) completed a set of 11 woodcut engravings, a medium in which she rarely worked. Danish painter and writer Asger Jorn (1914–1973) adored the engravings and decided to publish them. First, however, Jorn decided to compose a set of texts to accompany the art work, turning the suite of engravings into an -erotic novel- which they called -The Case of the Ascetic Satyr.- Over the course of the next decade they jotted down playful (and occasionally sexually explicit) notes to each other on anything that came to hand — exhibition flyers, cocktail napkins, even an unused sheet from Memoires, Jorn’s famous collaborative artist’s book with Guy Debord. The texts are mostly in English, the language Jorn and de Jong usually used together, though some are in French, Danish, Dutch or German. Wordplay is prevalent, sometimes referring to James Joyce’s Finnegans Wake. In the end,



