Fleeting Glance

3 min readJun 12, 2023

A Glimpse That Changed Everything

image of bustling subway station.

She boarded the crowded subway, lost amidst a sea of strangers. Faces blurred together, mere specks of humanity in the monotony of the morning rush. Each day, she played her role, a mere cog in the machinery of the city. But today was different. She caught a fleeting glimpse of him, with eyes like forgotten promises. And in that instant, a thousand stories unfurled within her, possibilities whispered in her ear.

She felt a surge of courage and curiosity, decided to follow him and to see where he would lead to.
(aloud) Excuse me, can I get through?

An Image of a Lady in subway.

She pushed her way through the crowd, trying to keep him in sight. He was wearing a blue jacket and a black hat. He had a backpack slung over his shoulder. He looked like he was in a hurry.
(in her mind) Maybe he’s late for work. Maybe he’s meeting someone. Maybe he’s running away from something.

She reached the end of the subway car and saw him get off at the next station, quickly followed him and hoping he wouldn’t notice her.
She stepped out of the subway and into the sunlight. Looked around and saw him walking towards a park, then followed him at a distance, trying to act casual.
(in her mind) What am I doing? This is crazy. I don’t even know…
She watched him as he walked through the park, admiring his graceful movements and his confident posture. He seemed to have a purpose or he is here to see someone.
She saw him stop at a bench and sit down, took out his backpack and opened it and pulled out a book, and started to read.
(In her mind) A book? What kind of book? What does it say?

Image: Man sitting at the park bench.

She felt a sudden urge to grab his hand, to find out more about him. She gathered her courage and walked towards him.
(aloud) Hi, I’m sorry to bother you, but I couldn’t help noticing your book. What are you reading?
(surprised) Oh, hi. I’m reading The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. It’s one of my favorites.
(interested) Really? I’ve heard of it, but I’ve never read it. What’s it about?
(smiling) It’s about a young man who goes on a journey to find his destiny. He meets many people and learns many lessons along the way.

(curious) oh! That sounds fascinating. Do you believe in destiny she asked?

(thoughtful) I do. I think everyone has a purpose in life, and sometimes we need to follow our hearts to find it.

(intrigued) That’s beautiful. Do you think you’ve found your purpose?

(hesitant) I’m not sure yet, maybe still searching.

As they talked, they felt a connection between them, a spark of recognition. They felt like they had known each other for a long time, or maybe in another life.
(in her mind) Maybe this is destiny. Maybe this is more than a fleeting glance. Maybe this is the beginning of something.
And as they looked into each other’s eyes, they felt a surge of hope that their paths might intertwine once more, in a city pulsating with the unspoken.
The end.




Passionate writer and storyteller, weaving words into captivating tales that ignite imaginations. explore world through words. Let's journey together!