I’m a (former) Nice Guy

James Proctor
3 min readApr 17, 2020

I’m a nice guy. Ewww. That’s a sour phrase today.

I’m a nice guy. = I’m too insecure or deceitful to admit I just wanna bang.

As if being nice, or you know, a decent human being, ever got some one laid.

Picture of a wooden doll, similar to Pinocchio, with a long nose, signifying deceit.
Photo by Jametlene Reskp on Unsplash

I never realized that’s what I was doing and suddenly (to me anyway) be placed firmly in the “friend zone”. (Another term I hate but that’s a different story.) And it’d piss me off. I’d be like, “How DARE you!” Rather embarrassing and being thirty-five, kind of pathetic.

(IDGAF if you don’t think that’s pathetic. Turning thirty-five and still too afraid or, too dubious, to get your point across to whichever sex you find attractive, should be a giant red flag that something (read: you) needs to change.)

It was surprising how and where it dawned on me that I was being a con, even to myself. I found out at work when the lady-in-question flat-out stated, “Oh, you’re one of those nice guys”.

Male rolling his eyes and looking annoyed.
Photo by Dorrell Tibbs on Unsplash

At first I was offended by the remark but I had to think, “Was I being one-hundred percent honest with my intentions to this woman?”

I wasn’t.



James Proctor

Dork. Awkward, a horrible writer and perpetually socially inept. I try not to take myself too seriously. I write about mental health, fitness and video games.