Air taxi — The Future

2 min readMay 5, 2020


Air taxi

The flight is about to get a lot more personal, says aviation entrepreneur Rodin Lyasoff. In this visionary talk, he imagines a new golden age of air travel in which small, autonomous air taxi or flying taxis allow us to bypass traffic jams and fundamentally transform how we get around our cities and towns. “In the past century, flight connected our planet,” Lyasoff says. “In the next, it will reconnect our local communities.”

Air taxi
Air taxi

Rodin Lyasoff — During his speech in ted talks he talked about the air taxi or flying taxi here are the lines of his speech from air taxi or flying taxi.

The sky is underutilized, and I would argue it will never be as congested as the roads are. First of all, you’ve got a whole other dimension, but also just safety considerations and air-traffic management will not allow bumper-to-bumper traffic in the sky. Which means, in many cases, flying taxi or air taxi can be a long-term, compelling alternative to traveling on the ground. So imagine this: you call an Uber, it takes you to a nearby landing spot — we call these vertiports — there’s an airplane waiting for you there, air taxi or flying taxi flies you over all of the traffic in the middle, and on the other side, another Uber takes you to your friend’s house. And I said Uber, but I really think we need to congratulate the Lyft branding team for their forward-thinking in choosing their brand.

Read full Article— Here





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