Does History repeat itself?

2 min readNov 25, 2022

The idea of libertarian free will is not a new phenomenon. The idea is that individuals can make their own decisions and act on them without any external coercion. This theory can be seen in the works of John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, and David Hume.

History repeats itself examples, in this case, are very easy to find. If you look at the history of communism, it is almost identical to what you see with libertarian free will theory today. In both cases, people are told that they can do what they want without any consequences because there is no government to enforce rules and regulations on them. But when these ideologies are put into practice, it becomes clear that there are always consequences for one’s actions — even if those consequences are not imposed by an outside entity such as a government or other authority figure.

The UNCONVENTIONAL WAR is a conflict that occurs when the existing social order of society is disrupted by a new political ideology, typically from the lower classes. The conflict can be seen as an ideological struggle between two or more social classes, where each class has its respective ideas about how society should be structured.

The history of communism is one of the most tragic chapters in human history. It led to millions of deaths and untold suffering in its aftermath. This chapter will explore the history of communism and its consequences on society.

In the 20th century, two major ideologies dominated the world. One of them was communism and the other one was capitalism. Communism is a political ideology that believes in a classless society where all people are equal and work together to produce goods and services for each other. They believe that this life is not fair because some people have more than others and they want to change it by taking away private property, private businesses, and any other means of accumulating wealth.

The history of communism is quite long but we can trace its roots back to a few centuries ago when Karl Marx wrote his famous book called “The Communist Manifesto”. In this book, he talks about how capitalism creates unfairness among different classes of people by concentrating wealth in the hands of a few rich capitalists who exploit their workers for profit. He believed that this kind of system would eventually collapse because it could not sustain itself. This idea has been proven wrong many times throughout history but it never seems to die.




Unconventional War takes on the myriad issues that face us today and delivers an inspiring rebuttal to the many that believe all is lost.