The Singleton Pattern in Swift

Alandis Seals
3 min readJul 29, 2024


Hey y’all! Today, we’re diving into something called the Singleton Pattern in Swift. It sounds all fancy, but don’t sweat it — I’m here to break it down for you, Southern style!

What’s the Singleton Pattern?

Alright, imagine you’re at a big family cookout and there’s only one grill. That’s the Singleton Pattern for ya! Instead of having a bunch of grills scattered around, there’s just one, and everyone’s gotta use it. It keeps things simple and organized, so no one’s arguing over grill space.

In coding, the Singleton Pattern makes sure there’s only one instance of a class in your whole app. So no matter where you are in your code, you’re always dealing with the same “grill” (or object).

Why Use the Singleton Pattern?

  • One and Only: It makes sure you only have one instance of a class — like having one grill at the cookout. No need for extra grills cluttering up the yard.
  • Easy Access: It’s easy to find and use, just like you’d always find that one grill at your cookout.
  • Less Hassle: No mess with multiple instances. Just one clean and simple setup.

Example in Swift

Here’s how you’d set up your Singleton Pattern in Swift. Think of it like making sure your one grill always has the same settings:

class GrillMaster {
// The one and only grill
static let shared = GrillMaster()

// Private so nobody else can make their own grill
private init() {
// Setup code

// Type of meat on the grill
var meatType: String = "Chicken"

// Grill some meat
func grillMeat() {
print("Grilling \(meatType) to perfection!")

// Usage
let grill = GrillMaster.shared
grill.meatType = "Ribs"
grill.grillMeat() // Output: Grilling Ribs to perfection!

In this example, GrillMaster is our singleton class. shared is the key that gives you access to that one and only grill. The private initializer keeps everyone from making their own grill. Cool, huh?

Pros and Cons


• One Grill: Just like having one grill keeps things simple, one instance keeps your app from getting messy.

• Easy Access: You can always find and use it, just like you’d find the grill at the cookout.

• Neat and Tidy: Everything stays organized with just one instance.


• Global Trouble: Having just one grill might mean long lines, and having one instance can sometimes cause issues if different parts of your app aren’t playing nice.

• Hidden Dependencies: It can make it tricky to figure out which parts of your app are using it, kind of like not knowing who’s sneaking extra ribs.

• Thread Safety: If lots of things are trying to use the Singleton at once, make sure it’s safe, just like making sure the grill doesn’t catch fire.

Best Practices

Keep It Safe: Make sure your Singleton is safe from chaos, especially if a bunch of parts of your app are using it — like making sure the grill doesn’t overflow.

Clear Job: Give your Singleton a clear job, like grilling meat, so it doesn’t get overwhelmed with too much to do.

The Singleton Pattern is perfect when:

  • Global Access: You need something that everyone in your app can use, like one grill for the whole cookout.
  • Shared Resources: You’ve got something that needs to be used by different parts of your app, like a single place to manage game settings or user info.
  • Consistency: You want everything to stay the same, just like you want that one grill to always cook up delicious food.

So there you have it! The Singleton Pattern is like having one awesome grill at your cookout that everyone loves and uses. With it, you keep your app neat and organized, just like keeping your cookout running smooth. Happy coding, y’all! 🍗



Alandis Seals

iOS developer from Birmingham, AL, with a love for Swift, fitness, and mentoring the next generation of tech enthusiasts. Sharing tips to help you in coding.