The Potential of 4D Printing: Revolutionizing Industries and Transforming the World

Shirley Yang
9 min readFeb 1, 2023


Have you ever heard of 4D printing and thought to yourself, “Finally! I can finally print objects in the fourth dimension!” Well, I hate to burst your bubble, but 4D printing doesn’t actually involve printing in the fourth dimension

But don’t worry, the lack of interdimensional travel doesn’t make it any less exciting!

In reality, 4D printing refers to the process of creating objects that can change shape or function over time in response to specific stimuli. So, while it’s not exactly printing in the fourth dimension, it’s still a pretty cool technology that has the potential to revolutionize a wide range of industries.

4D Printed Objects

And, who knows, maybe someday we’ll figure out how to print in the fourth dimension, but for now, let’s enjoy the shapeshifting power of 4D printing!

In this article, we will explore the current state of 4D printing technology and its potential applications in the near future.

Definition of 4D Printing

4D printing, also known as “smart” or “dynamic” printing, is a cutting-edge technology that allows for the creation of objects that can change shape or function over time.

Unlike traditional 3D printing, which simply produces a static object, 4D printing utilizes materials that respond to external stimuli, such as temperature or humidity, to transform into a new shape.

This technology has the potential to revolutionize a wide range of industries, from architecture and construction to fashion and medicine.

Overview of the Technology

4D Printed Objects

4D printing is the process through which a 3D printed object transforms itself into another structure over the influence of external energy input as temperature, light or other environmental stimuli.

Environemental Stimuli

This technology is part of the project of MIT Self-assembly Lab. The purpose of this project is to combine technology and design to invent self-assembly and programmable material technologies aiming at reimagining construction, manufacturing, product assembly, and performance.

What is the Difference Between 3D Printing and 4D Printing?

Obviously, 4D Printing has one more “D” than 3D Printing.

3D vs 4D Printing Diagram

3D Printing is about repeating a 2D structure, layer by layer in a print path, from the bottom to the top, layer by layer until a 3D volume is created. 4D Printing is referred to as 3D printing transforming over time.

Thus, a fourth dimension is added: time. So, the big breakthrough about 4D Printing over 3D Printing technology is its ability to change shape over time.

A 4D-printed gripper grabs an object when the temperature is optimal

A 4D printed object is printed just like any 3D printed shape. The difference is that the 4D Printing technology uses programmable and advanced materials that perform a different functionality by adding hot water, light or heat.

That’s how a non-living object can change its 3D shape and behavior over time.

Important Terminology

  • Smart materials 📱: Special materials that are programmed to react to specific triggers, allowing the object to self-assemble, transform, or adapt to its environment.
  • Self-assembly 🔨: The process of an object assembling itself into a new shape or configuration in response to external stimuli.
  • Transformation 💥: The process of an object changing shape or function over time in response to external stimuli.
  • Adaptation 🔌: The process of an object adjusting to its environment in response to external stimuli.
  • Stimuli 🔥: external factors such as temperature, humidity, or mechanical force that trigger the 4D printing process.
  • External triggers 🚦: specific conditions or factors that activate the response of the smart materials used in 4D printing.
  • Dynamic objects 🕝: objects that can change shape or function over time in response to external stimuli.
  • Self-Adaptive 🤖: the ability of an object to adjust to different conditions or environment by itself.

How does 4D printing work?

4D printing technology uses commercial 3D printers, however the input is a “smart material”, that can be either a hydrogel or a shape memory polymer.

Thanks to their thermomechanical properties and other material properties, smart materials are given the attributes of shape change and are differentiated from the common 3D printing materials.

In contrast, objects produced through 3D printing technology are rigid and maintain their 3D form once printed.

A Breakdown of 4D Printing

The steps involved in 4D printing can be summarized as follows:

1. Design

The process starts with the creation of a 3D model of the object that needs to be printed, using computer-aided design (CAD) software or other tools.

This model is then used to guide the printing process, which typically involves layering material in a specific pattern to build up the object.

2. Printing

Using the 3D model, the object is printed using a specialized 4D printing machine, typically using smart materials that can respond to specific external stimuli.

3. Stimulation

After printing, the object is exposed to specific external stimuli, such as changes in temperature or humidity, which triggers the smart materials to undergo self-assembly, transformation, or adaptation.

For example, the object may become more flexible or change shape in response to changes in temperature.

4. Transformation

The object changes shape or function in response to the external stimuli, and the process is complete.

5. Post-Processing

After the object is transformed and the shape changed, it is post-processed for further refinement or to enhance its properties.

Properties of 4D Printed Objects

Size Changing

One of the most significant benefits of 4D printing is its ability to print objects larger than the printer itself through computational folding.

By using smart materials that can change shape, 4D printed objects can be compressed into a smaller form, making it possible to print objects that are too big to fit within the printer in one piece.

New materials = New Properties

Another advantage of 4D printing technology is its ability to utilize a range of materials.

This technology has the potential to revolutionize the world of materials as we know it, with the possibility of using smart materials that are yet to be imagined.

Multimaterial Shape Memory Polymers

So far, experiments have been conducted using Multimaterial Shape Memory Polymers, which have the ability to “remember” their shape and transform into different configurations based on environmental stimuli.

This opens up new possibilities, especially in the healthcare industry where shape memory polymers can be used to create devices that change shape and release medicine when needed.

Potential of 4D Technology

The potential of 4D technology is significant and varied.

Here are a few examples of how 4D printing could be used in different industries:

Architecture and Construction

4D printing could be used to create self-assembling structures that can adapt to their environment, such as buildings that can adjust their temperature or ventilation in response to changes in weather.

Medical and Healthcare

4D printed implants and prosthetics could be designed to change shape or function in response to the body’s needs, such as a stent that expands to fit the patient’s artery or a cast that can adjust to the healing process of a broken bone.

Automotive and Aerospace

4D printing could be used to create complex, lightweight parts that can adapt to changing conditions, such as wing flaps that adjust to the wind speed and direction.


4D printing could be used to create clothing and accessories that can adapt to the wearer’s body shape or environment, such as a jacket that can adjust to the temperature or a shoe that can change its shape to fit the wearer’s foot.


4D Printing in Robotics

4D printing could be used to create robots that can adapt to their environment, such as a robot that can change its shape to navigate through tight spaces or one that can change its color to camouflage itself.

Companies Working in the Industry

Interested in the the companies current working with 4D tech?

Here are some of the companies working in the 4D printing industry and a brief description of what they do!


Autodesk is a leading provider of 3D design and engineering software, including tools for 4D printing. The company is actively involved in research and development in the 4D printing space, focusing on exploring the potential of smart materials and programmable matter.


4DReplay is a Dutch company that specializes in 4D printing for the fashion and textile industry. The company uses 4D printing to create dynamic and adaptive clothing and accessories that can change shape or function in response to specific stimuli.

Continuum Fashion

Continuum Fashion is a New York-based company that uses 4D printing to create cutting-edge fashion and textile designs. The company is known for its innovative use of smart materials and innovative manufacturing processes, and has been recognized as a leader in the 4D printing space.

Oxford Performance Materials

Oxford Performance Materials is a leading provider of advanced engineering materials and services, including 4D printing. The company specializes in the development and commercialization of high-performance polymers and composite materials for use in a wide range of applications, including aerospace, defense, and medical devices.

Nervous System

Nervous System is a design studio based in Boston that specializes in using digital tools and techniques to create innovative products and designs. The company has been at the forefront of the 4D printing space, exploring the potential of programmable matter and smart materials to create dynamic and adaptive objects.

Future of 4D Printing Technology

4D printing is an emerging technology that holds great promise for the future.

It offers a new way of manufacturing that allows for the creation of objects that can change shape and adapt to their environment, opening up new possibilities for a variety of industries.

However, there are still some challenges that need to be overcome before 4D printing can become a mainstream technology.

The technology is still in its early stages of development, but with continued research and development, it has the potential to become a game-changer in many different fields.

Thank you so much for reading this article, The Potential of 4D Printing: Revolutionizing Industries and Transforming the World . I hope you enjoy reading about the exciting and innovative technology of 4D Printing!

As you explored this article, I hope this article has provided you with a comprehensive introduction to 4D printing and its potential!

— Written by Shirley Yang

