How to Successfully Prepare for a Interview

Elaine Ho
3 min readAug 17, 2018


In order to successfully proceed to an interview and pass, you have to create a detailed resume and as a graphic designer you also need a portfolio (preferably digital). During the 2 assignments about constructing a resume, cover letter and a digital portfolio, we had to learn the basics of presentation and professionalism. The resume should consist of; a short introduction about yourself and your goals, qualification , achievements, any work experience, skills and lastly link to your portfolio.

Introduction: The introduction is a short way for companies to get to know you before accepting you for a interview. It should include personality and set goals you want to achieve if you are with the company.

Education: State the place and time (start and finished dates) of the education that is required or related for the position of the job.

Achievements: This is a way to impress the interviewers with some extra facts about yourself.

Experience: Work experience is one of the most important things to state into your resume as it is one of the ways the companies see how qualified you are and how it can benefit working there.

Skills: This should be a range of soft skills and technical skills that relate to the job you are applying for as this advances yourself through.

Links: These links can be social media accounts of your creator profiles and also your link to your digital portfolio.

Practice, Practice and Practice!

Practice studying the company or whatever job you are applying for. By knowing the companies background and values you are able to talk about within the interview and in the cover letter if possible. This shows your knowledge and actual interest in the company, making you seem more serious about the job position. Another thing to prepare is relaying some potential questions that would be asked during the interview. In order to answer any questions accordingly, it is best to be ready for any related and no related questions as it is not always predictable.

The cover letter presented with the resume must consist of the same design layout as it shows consistency and we learned that by having a specific design for the resumes and cover letters it will be recognisable for whoever is in charge of the interview selection process (making you stand out more). Not only the design has to be consistent but also the design has to be suitable for the job type and your profession. For example it is more crucial for a graphic designer to submit a more well designed concept as that is one of things we do in general.

Remember although you may not be successful in getting the job you applied for, you can always learn from your mistakes and try to apply for something else. Never give up!

