Deploying a One Tier Application on AWS

vimal. D
5 min readJun 2, 2024


In this guide, we’ll walk through the steps to set up a Deploying a one tier application on AWS . This involves creating a VPC, subnets, security groups, EC2 instance.

Go to the AWS Management Console and navigate to the EC2 service.

click on create VPC

give the vpc name and give CID range

here we can see our VPC

now we need create a internet gateway.

click on create internet gateway

give it a name

here we can see our internet gateway, now we need to attach it in to our VPC , click on attach VPC

select our VPC

now go to subnets.

click on create subnet

select our VPC

give subnet name and range

create another one

here we can see our subnet

now go to EC2 service

go to instance and click on create instance.

give the instance name and select the os type

here click on the create key pair

give the key pair name.

In network setting give our VPC

click on lanch instance.

here we can see our instance is running.

selct our instance and give connect.

select the connection type and give connect

here we have the connection

install httpd service

yum install httpd -y

here im copying my code in my repo , if you need you can also get it from my repo or you can use your code.

how go to html in var

cd /car/www/html/

now git clone the code or wget

git clone yourgiturl.git
wget yourgiturl.git

now move all the files in the code in the html dir

cd yourgitcodedir

now move the code to html dir

mv * /var/www/html/

now we need to start and enable the httpd service

systemctl start httpd 
systemctl enable httpd
systemctl status httpd

here we can see our server is running

now select our instance and go security

click on the security group

here edit the inbound rules

click on add rules

now add the following rules

  1. http-80-anywhere
  2. https-80-anywhere
  3. ssh-20/1-anywhere

now go to the instances and copy the instances DNS link

search the DNS URL in web

here we can see our app is running fine.

You can get code of this task in my git hub account:(⌐■_■)

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vimal. D

I'm Vimal, currently pursuing a BSc in Computer Science with a focus on Cloud Computing and Information Security.