Review Story of The Devoted Friend by Oscar Wilde

Edylla Isnaini Septyanasari
5 min readJan 10, 2023


The Devoted Friend, an interesting story written by Oscar Wilde. In this story there is also a life lesson in placing trust in people. It shows how manipulative innocent friends can be. This story tells about the relationship between two named friends who have different backgrounds. Hans is poor while Miller is a rich man. Hans trusted Miller that he was a good friend. Unlike Miller, he thinks this friendship is just normal. From some of the kindness that has been given by Hans to Miller, Miller never gives anything in return. Miller always replied with his selfish attitude. One day Hans helped Miller to find a doctor to save Miller’s fallen son. Unfortunately, when Hans was looking for a doctor, he got lost on the way and died. At his funeral, Miller only faked his grief and invited his friends to the hotel to drink wine and eat cake.

The narrative mode of the story is using third person point of view, fiction-writing mode, and the time using past tense.

The tone of the story is light hearted. Hans is an innocent, innocent and kind person who tries to give the best in any form for his best friend Miller. His friends also help each other even though it turns out that Miller is actually only using Hans.

The image

The metaphor of this story is ”As soon as the winter was over, and the primroses began to open their pale yellow stars,…” the pale yellow stars are the color assumptions that roses have. The word star simply compares by analogy what color the primroses are.

The point of view of this story is use third person point of view. From the beginning of the story to the end of the story using the third person point of view (He) by telling one by one the characteristics of someone in the story.

The setting of the story is the first story takes place in a pond with water rats, ducks and linnats. The second story takes place at Hans’ house in the countryside which has a garden and also a warm Miller house.

The plot of this story. Starting from a conversation between ducks, birds and wild mice that tells about two friendships and maybe this story can be used as an example in life. A friendship between two people named Hans and Miller. Hans considers Miller as his best friend and always does his best, but Miller’s response is just the opposite. So Hans’ sacrifice for his best friend ended because of Hans’ death. This story ends with a sad ending and is returned to the initial atmosphere when the ducks, birds and mice tell stories.

The characterization of this story:

  • Hans is a plain, simple and kind person. He is someone who really cares about his friends and always helps.
  • Miller is a selfish person, only concerned with himself and doesn’t care about anything. He believed in friendship but never showed the meaning of friendship.

Online Dating

Do you know online dating? Online dating is an activity to find a mate online with the aim of building a personal or romantic relationship. It became one of the trends in Indonesia recently. There are various kinds of online dating applications that can be downloaded on mobile phones such as Tinder, TanTan, OkCupid and many more. Currently, some of these applications are in great demand by the public and have been downloaded more than 340 million times and available in 190 countries. It makes easier for people to find acquaintances instantly through online media and doesn’t spend time to meet up. People can not only find someone who is close to them, but they can also find people in various parts of the world from within the country to abroad. Over time, the use of technology is increasingly advanced. Today’s society is starting to understand the use of technology. With the use of this media, users display profile photos and general information or personal data such as name, job, age, and others to attract other users. Users can also search simply by swiping through the profile according to the criteria they are looking for. If the profile they find is interesting and fits the criteria, the user will invite them to chat to get acquainted. If they feel suitable, they will meet each other in person to talk more deeply. It is also possible that they will continue into a friendship or relationship that is more serious. This is one of the best ways for people to find a soul mate but they also have to be careful in using this media.

Many people choose to date online initially just for fun. During this pandemic, people don’t know what to do. They feel bored because they spend too much time at home, so they don’t have the opportunity to talk to people out there. Usually those who are lonely are just looking for chat friends, not to find a mate. Online dating can help people who have just broken up with their partner making it difficult to move on. They try to move on to forget their ex by getting to know new people easily, not having to meet in person. With the bonus, they will find and get someone new. There is bad impact contained in using online dating. Users will have mental disorders due to rejection only because of physical forms that do not meet expectations. This can lower self-confidence in users, causing social anxiety when meeting new people. In addition there are criminal acts such as sexual crimes or murder. Not forever after getting acquainted will be on good terms. We do not know that people have good or bad intentions towards us. There are many news reports that mention cases of rape, violence, and even worse, murder just because they met from online dating. As in the news in Indonesia, on December 6, 2021, there was a case that a woman suspected of being the victim had been deceived by an unknown man through an online dating. Initially when they met, the perpetrator asked the victim to transfer money with the excuse that he would make a deposit for the victim. But unfortunately, the victim suffered a fraud of 115 million rupiah. Then the victim reported the case to the authorities and now the police are still investigating this case.

In conclusion, online dating can help some people to find a soul mate and even get to the level of marriage. We can save time, so that we can carry out activities well and not take up a lot of time. It’s also easy for us to choose the criteria as expected, if we feel it doesn’t fit we can look for others. But keep in mind that online dating has a very detrimental impact on us. From mental and physical disorders will provide long-term trauma. However, online dating has both positive and negative sides. The key is in ourselves. It is better to be more careful in doing relationships, especially through online which we do not know the good or bad.

