Archetypes of the collective unconscious by Carl Jung

4 min readJul 29, 2020


The archetypes are components of the collective unconscious and serve to organize, direct, and inform human thought and behavior. They are innate universal pre-conscious psychic dispositions that form the layer from which the basic themes of human life emerge.

Archetypes are introduced by Carl Jung. He developed his own theory in which he stated that our mind is not divided into two categories; conscious and unconscious, but they have much deeper layers into it that recesses mental structures and built personalities according to it. Jung called them Archetypes of the collective unconscious.

The archetypes are given below:

Childhood archetypes

The childhood archetype includes two types of archetypes, The child and the great mother.

The child:

A first archetype that manifests itself first. This is the first stage at which a person needs to be looked after and nurtured him/herself. If this stage dominates a person then he/she will become an eternal child. He/she will behave like a child in every or most of the stage of his/her life.

The great mother:

This type of archetype emerges in order to adapt to the caretaker or nurturer who looks after the child. If the mother appears as a loving and caring individual then the child will adopt the archetype which is known as nurturing mother. The child will behave like his kind mother in his/her next stages of life. But if his/her mother appears as an angry individual who scolds him/her most of the time, he/she will start to adapt the archetype which is known as devouring mother. He/she will behave like this way in his/her later life stage.

Youth archetypes

Youth archetypes include 3 further archetypes; Persona, Shadow, and Eros.


The word persona is derived from a Latin word which means “Mask”. The persona means that how we present ourselves to the world. It is just like the Ego stage of Freud. It represents all the social masks we wear in different groups or situations. It depends on the situation. We wear different masks to hide the negative side of ourselves and to show the desired ones to the world according to the situation.

For example, we play the roles of an employee, wife, husband, brother, sister, and friend.


This type of archetype evolves the evil side of any person which he/she used to hide from the world or him/herself too. It includes negative qualities of a person like envy, greed, hate, etc. It will be invisible to oneself but visible to everyone. Shadow follows everyone, it always is with or behind the individual. As a person grow his/her shadow also grows with him/her.


This archetype appears when an individual reaches his/her adolescence stage. Eros is the kind of energy that gives awareness of one’s sexual desires or urges. It is like the genital stage of Freud.

Teenage archetypes

Teenage archetypes include 3 further archetypes; Anima, Animus, and Hero.


Anima is the presence of feminine characteristics, qualities, and archetypes in males. In this kind of archetype, a male can have feminine qualities like being wise and empath in his teenage stage or later.


Animus is the presence of masculine characteristics, qualities, and archetypes in females. In this kind of archetype, a female can have masculine characteristics like courageous, powerful, and ruthless. Like a tomboy.


The hero archetype develops in male children or in both genders when they started to reach puberty. In this type of archetype, the young boy wants to conquer the world without thinking wisely. He just wants to rely on fate and good luck. And in this stage, a girl looks for a hero, Just like a fairytale.

Late adulthood archetypes

Late adulthood archetypes include 3 further archetypes; Wise old man, Trickster and Self.

Wise old man:

This type of archetype develops when an individual ages. He starts to become helpful for others in the form of a teacher, mentor, or guide. He shows the righteous path to the young ones. Just like some safaid posh buzurg, who help and guide others.


Trickster is the opposite side of the wise old man. When an individual starts to use his power to deceive innocents then this kind of archetype builds in them. That old man starts to abuse children under his care. And become a jaali peer faker or ruthless Qari sahib who prey the innocents and deceive them.


The self appears when the archetype of a trickster suppresses or overcomes. The self is the highest of all archetypes. It allows a man to realizes his all potentials and power as a man. It is also known as individuation in which all personality types integrated. A true man emerges who is free from selfishness, greed, and curse. His only desire is to achieve something high and boundless. For example, a hero, a prophet, or a savior.

Thank you for reading!

