Cycles of Dao in nature is a teacher

4 min readDec 3, 2022


Wisdom of Dao de Jing 34

The great Dao is a flood.

Turn left or right.

This cycle of nature is abundant especially at harvest time. Animals and plants provide abundance for all. This helps us appreciate all what we really need is to focus on needs not wants. Imitating the natural flow of life adjusting when needed to the seasons or circumstance in life. Wintertime there is less light and its a time of recuperation with less available resources. During this time start preparing and replenishing your energy for spiting so you can sow seeds for future.

Action plan or practical advice on Dao de jing: Cut right back and budget everything as a need, not a want in times of scarcity. Rest and prepare for spring so you can work with new opportunities with more energy and daylight with fresh enthusiasm.

What period of life are you in? Work this out in a practical way on how to use personal energies and resources.Here is a guide below

0 to 20 years is Spring = Plenty of activity sowing seeds of finding out you are and you want in life.

2 to 40 is Summer = Busy time reaping benefits of hard work and exploration.

40 to 60 is Autumn = Changing direction focusing on essential resources.

60 to 80 is Winter = Slowing down and conserving resources watching the world go by.

I am in the autumn of my life the age of 54 and have noticed reduction of energies. I focus more on what is of value to me. I realise it is time to conserve my resources before winter especially with the responsibility of beimg a single parent. It is a time of letting go, the things that no longer serve their purpose like leaves falling from the tree and making good use of valuable sunlight in my life.

Ten thousand creatures depend on it for life.

It doesn’t reject them.
It completes its task but takes no name.

Depending and relying on nature higher wisdom as it always wants to sustain everything. Gratitude is the secret of success accepting life on its terms not fighting with it. A simple natural life free of wants and striving eliminates debt and stress. Food, shelter, and simple life is all we need. Expectations of more is a waste of energies that cause frustration believing we need more stuff to exist. Not being content is the opposite to being grateful in the present. Being happy in a warm home and having food in the stomach is all we need to survive.

It clothes and supports the ten thousand creatures but is not the master.

Ten thousand in the Dao basically means everything that is living. The love from the Dao is unimaginable in human terms. It keeps on giving with no expectations of worship, service or payback it is unconditional. We have the freedom of life, it is our own choices that enslave us with unnecessary responsibilities we take on. The masters we serve is our own folly. Become your own masters taking control of the decisions you make. Every action has a consequence now and in the future. Simplicity states we only need clothes on our back and the present day needs.

Having no desire
It can be called insignificant.

Desire for anything is attachment, a similar philosophy in Buddhism stating that suffering is due to attachment. Nature doesn’t have lots of desires, it just eats and reproduce according to instincts, natural desires. Deciduous trees let go of its leaves in winter even though the leaves have been their energy source converting sunlight. Birds build new nest, migrate having no fixed attachment to live in for decades. Attachment or holding to material objects we don’t need can cause suffering not having basic needs met. A Question to ask: Is this attachment serving me now or burdening me? Living life in the present is more important to any attachment that is not working.

The ten thousand creatures return, but it is not their master It can be called great.

In the end it doesn’t make itself great
And so it achieves greatness.

The world we live is awesome and it is great sustaining all life not wanting anything back accept our care. We are part of the cosmos, so we become great as our lives contribute to the world as a friendly partner. Consuming all the resources haphazardly is the destruction of the planet. Having no consideration for humanity is not great either. Developing an attitude serving and working for the Dao and the world of humility is being great helping others by sharing rather than hoarding. When nature and humanity work in cooperation there is greatness. We are all connected through the eco systems, economic systems, and other symbiotic relationships. Management of the life we live results in living a great life for all. Cycles of natures have worked for millions of years, and they teach us lessons with no price attached because it is called the great Dao.




Creative author with a passion for learning from the science to psychological to the arts and much more.