The Spectacular Spiderman

Brayden Kieborz
3 min readNov 15, 2018


Peter Parker is, has been, and will always be, the coolest hero ever. He is a fifteen year old high schooler in New york. But even though he is only a high schooler, he is still by far the greatest hero in the Marvel universe. During the creation of Spiderman Stan Lee said, “I never thought that Spider-Man would become the world wide icon that he is. I just hoped the books would sell and I’d keep my job.”

Peter Parker had a rough childhood. Early in his life his parents both died. Peter was then raised by his aunt May and in some variations his uncle Ben too. One of his uncle’s favorite phrases was “With great power comes great responsibility” (Stan Lee). Peter was raised to be good christian kid with good morals. He grew up being one of the smartest kids in his school. He got to go to a facility that had radioactive animals in it for a school field trip. During his trip, one of the spiders got out and bit him. He then inherited the powers of a spider. There are lots of heroes that have super powers, and many of those people also got them on accident.

As a highschooler, he doesn’t have many friends besides the ones he competed with in quizbowl. His best friend though is definitely Ned. Ned helped Peter do his homework and vice versa. They are very close and often stay at each other’s houses to talk and play video games. They both also have the same school schedule and ride the same bus to and from school. After Peter receives his Spider powers, Ned is the only person he trusts enough to tell. Later on in the story Ned becomes “the man in the chair”. He guides Peter via GPS and a headset while he is fighting crime in his Spidey-suit. They become an unstoppable duo, so without Peter’s ability to make some friends he wouldn’t have his “voice in his head”

Later on Tony Stark (Iron Man) recruits Peter to join him on a mission and gives him a super suit that has thousands of hidden features including nanotechnology, bullet proof padding, and the eyes the can zoom or focus on objects. Later on we find out that his suit can also deploy eight giant legs out of his back to run faster, dodge bullets, or escape the vacuum of space. His relationship with Tony Stark is unbreakable. Tony always wanted a child, but he was a very busy business man. So when Peter shows up with spider powers, he somewhat adopts him.

Peter grew up in a bad part of town without his parents, but he is still extremely successful. Just like most other people that become heroes, he has been through hard times, but eventually pushes through them. Peter is a hero that others should look up to. He is kind to everyone that he meets, even the bad guys. He always wraps them up in spider webs and then gives them to the cops. “No one can win every battle, but no man should go down without a fight.”(Peter Parker)

Spiderman also never does anything to benefit himself more than others. In the his most recent movie he sacrifices everything to chase aliens in space with Iron Man. Spiderman uses his intelligence and powers in a unique way to overcome all of the enemies he faces. He is definitely the greatest hero ever.

