How to Add/Remove LP and begin farm at TRAPHOUSE

Hieu Nguyen
4 min readNov 16, 2020




We choose “Pool” then “Add Liquidity”

Choose BNB-THUGS / BNB-DRUGS / BNB-GUNS / BUSD-DRUGS / CAKE-DRUGS / USDT-BNB / DAI-BNB which you wanna use to farm

Here I choose BNB-DRUGS, then press Supply (if this is your 1st time, you will see Approve button, just click Approve then Supply)

Confirm Supply
Confirm with Metamask

After confirm with network. You can see your shares at Pool page (1st step)

Here you can Add more or Remove your LP



It’t same as STREETSWAP, but THUGS/DRUGS/GUNS not appear in token list by default for your choice.

Then you must paste Smart Contract address to Add LP at PANCAKESWAP

Smart Contract:

THUGS: 0xe10e9822a5de22f8761919310dda35cd997d63c0

DRUGS: 0xfd26889cd6454d8751562f1c0fcf88b18b46f7b7

GUNS: 0x179983892ec36287f1f342443b671ba549762241

Copy & Paste Smart Contract address to token search field then click “Add” for future display

All other steps be same as STREETSWAP



All steps same as STREETSWAP.

No need to copy & paste Smart Contract address.

(You can see Approve button here which not show as I told at STREETSWAP above)

4. Time to FARM at TRAPHOUSE

After you added LP. You will have LP tokens. It’s difference from those SWAP site. Then you must choose correct farm pool too.


You will see many pool. Then choose pool which match with your LP pair and swap site.

Yellow: SWAP site which you use to add LP (NarwhalSwap in example)

Blue: SWAP site which you use to add LP (Pancakeswap in example)

Red: Pair tokens which you use to add LP

Green: APY (Annual Percentage Yield) (higher is better)

After choose correct pool. Click “Select”.

If you’re 1st time here. You will see “Approve…” button. Click it and confirm with Metamask.

Then you will see PLUS symbol (+). We use it to add LP token to farm.

Choose MAX button to add all your LP token or type any amounts you want.

Then click Confirm and confirm with Metamask

Notice: When you deposit LP tokens to farm pool. You will don’t see it anymore at Pool of SWAP site.

Here we’ve done. Your DRUGS earned at left side will begin increase with speed up to how many LP token you stake.

You can add more LP tokens by repeat those step above.

To take out DRUGS Earned, just simple click “Harvest” button in the left side and confirm with Metamask. You will see DRUGS in your BSC wallet.

5. UNSTAKE & Remove LP Token


Choose your farming pool and press Unstake button at right side.

You can press MAX button to withdraw all LP tokens or input any amounts.

Then click Confirm and confirm with Metamask.

  • Remove LP Token:

Go back to SWAP site which you use to add LP. Choose Pool and press Remove

Choose MAX to remove all LP tokens or any percent you want.

Click Approve (confirm with Metamask), then click Remove (confirm with Metamask)

After remove LP. Your BNB & DRUGS (or any pair tokens you choose) will come back to your wallet.


If you add LP token at PANCAKESWAP and don’t see your share. Just click “Import it”

Then choose “Select a Token” & paste Smart Contract to search field

You will see “Pool Found!” and your position.

Click Arrow back here (left top corner)

Here your can see your share now. And then remove it as those step above

