Muffin girl

Everything is a Fantasy
2 min readNov 6, 2018


Hi i’m new on medium and this is basically my first story so here we go.

It all started when i was really confused on who i should be with: short hair or muffin girl. i tried to listen to my friends, some of my friends said i should stay with short hair and then others told me that i should be with muffin girl❤. I got so confused with my friends so once i got home i started to think who should i be with. I called my bestest friend( lets call him… i guess Freddy🐻🎩.) Freddy knew exactly what to do even if he knew that it was stupid but he knows how i am. He asked me questions like, “ does short hair ever talk to u, does she know ur name, does she even care or spend time with u, and like does short hair hold ur hand or at least say bye to u when u leave.” I answered his questions and then asked him how are these questions supposed to help me decide, He ignored me and kept thinking… “ does muffin girl know ur name?” i said “Yes” (ima just do this now)

Freddy: does muffin girl care for u?

Me: yes!

Freddy: does she like u back?

Me: Yes she said that she likes me alot!

Freddy: Ok well who do u talk to the most?

Me: Muffin girl!

Freddy: does short hair talk to u at all?

Me: No!

Freddy: ok well its pretty obvious that muffin girl is the one and short hair really doesn’t care so i think u should be with muffin girl.

and im tired right now cause its like almost time for me to go so yea




Everything is a Fantasy

Friends aren’t real the only real people are family and if you find a good friend u feel like u can trust then they can also be like family to u.