Aquafina water bottle review

Dr. Mason Haugen
2 min readDec 11, 2017


Aquafina is a handful of companies that sell water that I enjoy. The water tastes fresh all the time cold and warm, when I drink the water it doesn't taste like chemicals and jam packed with preservatives. It is an enjoyable taste that tastes all natural and what not. The bottle is great and durable. I can use a bottle for about 3 months before it breaks. The reusability is very good not like great value bottles that actually pops! The taste like I said is great the plastic also doesn’t give off flavor of plastic.

look how tasty and refreshing this is

If I had to rate this water out of all the requirements I fill out it would be a perfect score. The bottle does its job and then some. Its reusable for many months, and the original water is so refreshing. I have tons of these water bottles.

The logo is so simple and satisfying. I just appreciate the mountain and red.

My PHD in water is super serious for real. I can tell u everything about water. The new popular argument, “is water wet?” I can answer without a doubt. Water is wet. Duh. I went to water school for 22 years out of 15 years of living. so ya bye. See you next week.

