8th Grade Graduation Week

Uneak Franklin
3 min readMay 24, 2022


I still remember the day Chelsea (my cousin) came back from Texas. It was about a week before my 8th grade graduation on a Friday around 4:30. I was in my moms office break room. I heard the door ring which happens when someone walks in the office. I didn't think it was anyone i knew since there's always clients walking in. In the main office there is a mini fridge which has all of the drinks, so I got up so that I can get a water. When i stepped out the back room, Chelsea was standing in front of the door with her luggage next to her and holding a small red gift bag.

This was the first time seeing her in almost 2 years. I ran up to her and gave her a big hug.

She then handed me the gift bag and told me it was a early graduation gift. I opened it and inside was a small black box with a necklace in it. The necklace was a small sliver chain that had a cross pendant with diamonds on it.

I hugged her again and thanked her for the gift. I handed her the necklace and turned around so she can put it on me. She wrapped it around my neck and clipped it on. It was a beautiful necklace that just fell below my collarbone.

Around this time i had a nail appointment with the nail salon that was right next to my moms office. My mom gave me the money for Chelsea and I to get our nails done and for me to also get my feet done. Then we walked over to the salon. Chelsea and I ended up getting matching nails, so while they were working on Chelsea's nails i was getting my feet done. When we were both finished we switched.

A few days later graduation came. At this point of time we were going through the pandemic with covid, so for the graduation ceremony there was a drive by parade. There was a lot of people that went with us in the parade so we had 2 full cars with people in the bed of my families druck, Chelsea and I were in the bed as long and some other people in my family.

There were many groups and all the groups had different times. The groups were all set by last names so i was in the group F. All graduates stood in a line at the stairs, and one by one they handed them their certificate of graduation and lead them down the other side of the stairs to the photo booth. My mom took pictures then we got in the car and drove around the school. At the end of the school road, there were people standing there and gave me a goodie bag that had: A pencil with the school name on it, a eraser of the mascot, a graduation rubber duck, and a school cup.

After graduation week Chelsea visited a couple other people before taking a flight back to Texas. I miss the short period of time when she came back. It’s been almost 2 years since i lost saw her. I still remember the ring of the door when she walked in. This situation taught me that family should be the most important people in your life, because most friends aren't always going to be there, but family is. I wish and hope i can see her again soon, and thank her for always being there for me.

