What is this Kratom?

Success Doctor
5 min readFeb 20, 2016

Kratom (Mitragyna Speciosa), a medicinal plant native to Southeast Asia from the coffee family, has many health benefits.

It can relieve pain, provide energy, reduce depression and anxiety, ease opiate withdrawals and can help treat addiction. It should never be used or abused as a “legal high,” and you will be sadly disappointed if that’s what you’re looking for. If you abuse kratom (take too much and too often or use strong extracts regularly), it can be addictive, but for most, the risk is generally low.

Kratom is an all-natural, safer alternative to prescription opiates and other Rx drugs, causes very few side effects, if any, and unlike opiates, you can’t take too much or your body will reject it. With daily use your body can become dependent. So stopping the use of kratom abruptly, like coffee, and many “medicines,” (even antidepressants) can lead to withdrawal symptoms in some people, mild in comparison to opiate withdrawals.
Use wisely and responsibly, take breaks and have a plan in place to taper off when ready and you will experience little to no discomfort.

Kratom is legal in the United States everywhere but Indiana, Vermont, Tennessee, Wisconsin and Sarasota County, FL.

Kratom’s effects vary greatly from individual to individual; the following is intended for general information purposes only.

New users should do some experimenting to find out what and how much works for them. It is best to start with a sample pack of several different kratom varieties.

Several vendors offer sample packs and/or sample sizes at a reasonable price. If you try kratom for the first time, or try a new strain and have an adverse reaction to it, eat something. Dairy products in particular can often eliminate discomfort. Drink a lot of water when taking kratom, as it can act as a diuretic.

Kratom Strains/Colors:

The color is given to the vein of the leaf before it is made into a fine powder. There are MANY varieties within these categories out on the market. From Maeng Da to Bali to Indo, etc. This is an explanation of the 3 most common vein colors used to describe kratom strains.

White Vein Strains

These are generally your more energetic and stimulating strains. People who have problems with exhaustion, waking up in the morning, daytime drowsiness and/or chronic fatigue may find white strains to be beneficial. Some say that these strains are too stimulating, especially for people prone to anxiety or sensitive to caffeine. If you suffer from anxiety or get the “jitters” from caffeine, you might want to stay away from white strains or use them only when blended with others.

Green Vein Strains

These are usually good for both pain control and energy. They are not too energetic or too sedating, so many choose to use these for pain control during the day. Green strains are often used to extend the life of white or red veins of kratom. For example Green Malay is considered by many to be one of the longest-lasting types of kratom with good pain relieving effects. Many blends utilize green veins because of their synergy with other strains. They are very good for mixing and effects seem to last longer.

Red Vein Strains

These are best for pain relief and relaxation. Reds can be effective with many chronic and acute pain conditions. While lower doses are more stimulating, it varies from person to person. Many find the red strains to be more relaxing and sedating and actually use them to help with insomnia, while also relieving pain. Red veins are also a good variety to mix with more energetic strains to avoid too much of a sedating effect when pain control is your primary objective. A good red Bali is one of the most popular kratom strains for pain sufferers.


If you are new to kratom, it is always best to start small, to start with plain leaf and to avoid enhanced versions or extracts.

One teaspoon equals approx 2.5 to 3 grams and is a good place to start. If you have an opiate tolerance, you may need 2 tsp or about 5–6 grams to feel the effects. Many people with chronic illness-related conditions dose 2–3 times a day, some have to do this more often (like every few hours).

Kratom’s effects generally last 3–4 hours for most but depending on the kind of kratom, can last longer. When using it for pain, it can both fill and block opiate receptors and is best to use alone, without opiates (most people find it to be more effective than opiates). While some people can use the two together as adjunct therapies, many find the two to cancel each other out. When using it to ease opiate withdrawal symptoms, you may need to start a little higher due to tolerance issues.

Once kratom begins to work, you can adjust your dose down from there. Dosing about every 4 hours seems to help best when coming off heavy doses of opiates. Please see the last link provided below for a detailed guide and daily plan on how to get off heroin (applies to all opiates) using kratom.

You will find doseage guides all over the place for different kinds of kratom, but this is a good, general guide for plain leaf kratom (not enhanced, no extracts).

2–4 grams = mild effects, good beginning dose (Stimulant Effects)

4–6 grams = medium effects (Stimulant Effects or Sedative/Analgesic Effects)

6–8 grams = strong effects (Sedative/Analgesic Effects)

8 grams and above = very strong effects (Highly Sedative/Analgesic Effects) not for new users

Consuming Kratom

There are many ways to consume kratom. The most common ways include “Toss and Wash (T&W),” taking capsules, making teas and/or mixing it with orange juice, yogurt, apple sauce or smoothies. Kratom is an acquired taste and too bitter for some who must take capsules (many people buy an inexpensive capsule machine and make their own) or otherwise mask the taste. Toss and Wash is as easy as it sounds. Toss the powder in your mouth with a little bit of liquid and immediately wash it down. If you are new to kratom, avoid consuming it with grapefruit juice, as it makes the effects stronger. Effects differ for everyone. Some say capsules don’t work for them while others swear by them, and some say teas don’t work which is a very popular method of consumption.

A majority of people find that kratom works best on an empty stomach, but others prefer taking it with a little bit of food to avoid nausea.

Best dosage guide

DISCLAIMER — Nothing written here is medical advice. Always consult a physician

