FASTPCBA factory site 5S management system

2 min readJan 25, 2019


Employee 5S Responsibility
1. Your work environment must be constantly sorted and reorganized, and items, materials and materials must not be placed indiscriminately;
2, things that are not used should be dealt with immediately, and should not be used to occupy the working space;
3. The passage must be kept clean and unobstructed frequently;
4. Items, tools and documents are placed in the prescribed places;
5, fire extinguishers, switch boxes, air conditioners, etc. should be kept clean at all times;
6, items, equipment should be carefully placed, put correctly, safely placed, larger and heavier piled in the lower layer;
7. The tools, equipment and responsible areas of the custody shall be arranged;
8. Develop the habit of picking up paper scraps, material scraps and parts on the ground anytime and anywhere, and store them in a designated place;
9. Keep cleaning and keep it clean;
10, pay attention to the instructions of the superior, and actively cooperate.

Production site 5S evaluation
1. The results of the inspection are calculated by the manpower administrative statistics. The evaluation is based on the weekly number. The first place is awarded the “5S Best Area of ​​the Last Week” banner. The monthly average is the highest in the four inspections in the month and the first time in the month. Names, when each person in the area rewards a green label, the regional group with the lowest monthly average score, the first week of the first month of the first month, the group members in the region will make corresponding punishment measures.
2. The actual results of each district will be announced in each group of the company, and the scores will be expressed by the corresponding scores.
3. The “5S Best Area of ​​the Last Week” banner will be awarded every Tuesday morning.
4. The banner that was awarded will be recovered before the next meeting to improve the results.
5. Get the first place in a row for one month, and the supervisor can apply for cash rewards to the superior.
6. The awarded banner must be hung in the designated location.
7. When the scores are not up to 80 points, the first pennant will not be awarded;
8. The bonus awarded is used as a material reward and activity fund for regional personnel. It is strictly forbidden to distribute the bonus equally or privately.
The above is the specific requirements of the 5S management system of the PCBA workshop on the site of FASTPCBA Co., Ltd. If you need more industry information, please pay attention to us.

