Greek Mythology- Artemis and the Sirens

E.M Setley
2 min readNov 19, 2019


In this post, we are going to be focusing on one god (Artemis) and one monster (the Sirens).

Artemis herself


Artemis is known to most as the goddess of the hunt, wilderness, moon, and chastity. she’s the daughter of Zeus and the twin sister of god Apollo. some of her symbols include the moon, an arrow, and a stag.

Her role in the trojan war was small, however, it impacted the ruler of the Greek armies greatly, Agamemnon. one day he was hunting and killed one of Artemis’ sacred stags, then he boasted about it say something along the lines of, “not even Artemis could shoot as well as I did”. So, to get revenge, when Agamemnon was trying to sail his armies troy, Artemis forced the winds the other direction. The only thing that could get her to stop was if he sacrificed his most beautiful daughter.

the sirens

mermaid-like creatures, sirens draw sailors in with their singing, and then murders them and causes them the wreck their ship.

they come into play during the odyssey when Odysseus is trying to come home on his ship. the goddess Circe advised him to stay away but instead, he plugged his ears with wax.

MLA Works cited

Cartwright, Mark. “Siren.” Ancient History Encyclopedia, Ancient History Encyclopedia, 19 Nov. 2019,

