FBI Ten Most Wanted Fugitives. List as of 2021

The dangerous menace to society

9 min readJan 16, 2021
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Rewards are offered for information leading to capture of fugitives on the list; the reward is a minimum of $100,000 for all fugitives, currently exceeded in the cases of Jason Derek Brown at $200,000, Jose Rodolfo Villarreal-Hernandez at $1,000,000, and Rafael Caro Quintero at $20,000,000.

Robert William Fisher

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Fisher is wanted for the 2001 murder of his wife Mary and their two children, Robert Jr. and Brittney, and then blowing up the Scottsdale, Arizona, house in which they lived. Investigators believe he murdered his family because he felt threatened by his wife’s intent to divorce.He is believed to be the one who rigged the natural gas explosion.

Mary Fisher was shot in the back of the head, and Brittney and Bobby’s throats were slashed from ear to ear. The gas line from the back of the house’s furnace had been pulled. The accumulating gas was later ignited by a candle that Fisher had allegedly lit, waiting for the gas to accumulate and descend to the flame hours after being lit. This delayed fuse would have given him an approximate ten-hour head…

