Generative AI

1 min readOct 18, 2023


To perform a task a human mind and body can do much but to some extents. So for a task to be performmed, in less time, with accuracy and less capital investment. Thats where AI sectors comes.

Efforts were made to create some autonomous agents. An autonomous agents in generative AI are just some programs that can perform their task alloted freely. These programs dynamic in nature, which means they can change and also versatile that means they can adap to user queries and responses.

Here are some examples.. Chat GPT, Google bard, microsoft cortana virtual assistant.
These AI programs are still under research.. so with benefits they can have for us, also brings the fear, as they are chances of Job reducements, for humans. But the most fearful is when we looses control over AI. A huge safety and security concerns develops.

visit down for a better understanding of these autonomous systems. #chatgpt #microsoft cortana # googlebard

