Tech Industries Make Most of the Banner Ads by Adding Value to It

Chuck John
3 min readJan 10, 2018


Banner ads are the best way to reach out to the targeted audience with relevant details. Almost all the major technology firms are using banner advertising to get to the right type of users. There are more and more tech companies that try to create a better experience for the web presence, but the internet is also used to help people like the brand and find a solution for the problem. The banner advertising world has developed from the web banner ads you see on your favorite publications, to social media ads like Facebook Banners, Instagram Sponsored Ads, Snapchat Geofilters, and other social media ads.

Today banner ad is a multi-billion dollar industry and it accounts for the largest share of digital ad spending. In simple terms and understanding banner ads is a form of online advertising through banners. It is also called display advertising because of the visual nature of banner ads. The banner ad can take the visitor from the host website to the advertiser’s website or a specific landing page. Banner ads for technology are a profitable option and the advertisement is displayed on a webpage. The banner ads can be static or animated, depending on the technology used to prepare them.

How do banner ads work?

Banner ads generate traffic to a website by linking to it. The web banner also does function as regular, print advertisement notifying about the new products and increases the brand awareness. The most banners are clickable and the main function is to get clicked on.

Here are the reasons to prefer brand advertising –

1.It increases the brand awareness. The brand awareness is grown using banner ads and people recognizes the product or service from the banner.

2.This marketing process acts a lead generator. It is a great way to build the users base and the banner ads are used to get more sign-ups.

3.The ads help to retarget the audience. If someone had visited your website and dint sign-up on the newsletter, retarget the audience using the banner ads.

Other than traffic, there are important aspects too, taken into consideration while choosing a website to advertise on. That is the reason, it is always recommended to advertise on the websites that are in your industry’s niche. One advantage of the online advertising over the traditional one is that its effectiveness can be easily measured. The main effective indicator is the click-through rate and it is the more effective way of advertisement.

Make sure you know your core audience well before designing banner ads. Make sure you know about your value proposition. It will help you write the text of your banner and choose a good CTA button text. Choose a standard banner ad size on the website and be clear about the things that you want the users to understand. The simpler the banner ad is the easier you can communicate the right message to your audience. There is numerous banner ad developing companies who can create the best banners for the technology store.

