Robert Ford

Robert Ford


22 stories

A photo of the author in a grey T-shirt, a small pizza in his left hand and pizza slicer in his right hand. He’s standing next to a small wooden-slatted table, and in front of a mesh-screen door and a tan brick wall with pipes running vertically and horizontally along it. He has an orange beard and short, light orange hair.
An art installation of four black metal silhouettes depicting hominid evolution, progressing from left to right, and a man dressed in blue jeans, a red t-shirt and a cap in the last position, looking down at his phone in his hand. The installation is in Porto, Portugal, on a sunny day, with a clear blue sky and tower cranes, apartment buildings, street lights and a car in the background to the left, and what looks to be a large old brick warehouse in the background on the right.
Robert Ford

Robert Ford

POEMS for ESL Students

1 story

Robert Ford

Robert Ford


1 story

Robert Ford

Robert Ford


2 stories

A solid-gold seat with a small desktop (like you’d see in a classroom) on a featureless pink background.
Robert Ford

Robert Ford


8 stories