Redefine your life, independence style.

252 The Lifestyle
2 min readOct 9, 2017


Today, Uganda is celebrating 55 years of Independence. This means different things to different people. For most, today is an extension of the weekend (Monday off? Yes please!). Whereas others are reflective of what this means for them as Ugandans. We’ll dwell more on the latter; what does independence mean for you? And more specifically, your everyday life?

Monday; work, work, work! (Not the Rihanna kind)

Tuesday; Pay bills (school tuition, water and electricity).

Wednesday; Send money to the parents in the village via phone. Call them too.

Thursday; Wrap up week’s assignments in time for Friday

Friday; Dinner and drinks with friends.

Saturday; Grocery Shopping

Sunday; Watch funny videos on YouTube.

If this Ugandan is you, you represent what many people’s lives look like on a daily. The constant shift from the hustle to mingling with family and friends and squeezing in time for a laugh on the internet.

Question is, in today’s world, that has largely given us the independence to do so much in a short time thanks to advanced tech, what does liberty in your life look like? Could it be having to pay your kids’ school dues without having to make that pesky line at the bank, or sending money to your parents in the village without having to switch sim-cards (or finding a physical mobile money vendor), or doing your weekend shopping without dealing with the Saturday traffic?

Whatever convenience means to you, knowing that there are avenues within which to simplify everyday tasks such as these is, we believe, the first of many steps in creating independence in your life. Truth is, life is quickly becoming about how much time we can get in a day to do more. And at 252, our definition of the ultimate independent lifestyle is conveniently executing everyday tasks. Go to and find out more.

Happy Independence day Uganda!



252 The Lifestyle

All things convenient lifestyle | Making everyday life easy | Kampala, Uganda