Gun control

Michael Perez
3 min readMay 24, 2023

Gun violence is the brutality that arises when an individual uses a gun to carry an attack on somebody or even themselves. Gun violence is a significant problem in many countries, especially the United States. The United States has one of the highest rates of gun violence. They have an average of 100 deaths per day from firearms. Gun control reduces crime. If gun control is regulated, there will be less crime and fewer suicides.

My first reason for supporting gun control is to reduce easy access to dangerous weapons. With easy access to dangerous weapons, people in society are significantly affected. With the rise of gun violence, there is a rise in violent crime. Fact Sheet: Weak Gun Laws Are Driving Increases in Violent Crime States, In 2019, Iowa was ranked 43rd in gun violence across the country, with 9.1 firearm-related deaths per 100,000 people — 25 percent lower than the national average.” With Iowa weakening its gun laws, it saw a dramatic increase in deaths related to gun violence. Implementing stricter gun control measures, such as comprehensive background checks for all gun buyers, closing loopholes in existing laws, limiting access to firearms for individuals with a history of violence or mental illness, and banning high-capacity magazines and assault weapons.

Another reason for supporting gun control is with gun control, there will be fewer suicides. Executing stricter gun control measures has been linked to lower rates of suicide. An article from Harvard stated, “Though guns are not the most common method by which people attempt suicide, they are the most lethal. About 85 percent of suicide attempts with a firearm end in death.” Measures to support gun control may include background checks, waiting periods, restrictions on firearm purchases by individuals with a history of domestic violence or mental illness because they shouldn’t own one, limitations on the sale of assault weapons, and safe storage requirements.

The ability to use firearms for self-defense is one of the primary reasons supporting gun ownership, so while another viewpoint would contend that owning guns makes people feel safer, I disagree. People engage that having a weapon gives people something to use to defend themselves and their loved ones when their lives are in danger. They think having a gun around can serve as an indicator and a line of defense against criminals or intruders.

if gun control were regulated, there would be fewer crimes and suicides. To regulate gun control, background checks, waiting periods, and restrictions of people with mental illnesses should not be able to own a firearm. Having gun control is essential because it helps aid in fewer deaths in the United States and stop gun violence. People can help make a change by signing petitions to help reduce gun violence.,than%203%20percent%20of%20cases.

