Runik tv

Miracle Davis
2 min readDec 5, 2018


Runik tv is so interesting and the owner of the channel is so confident what he do all day to celebrate his felling and his emoncines. And he have a wife hali and she is so wonderful and she have a baby doll and it is a chucky doll .And Hali don't care what people say about her she is so pretty and she don't care if they say she bold headed she have a little hair .Her husband Runik is so funny he alway get on her nerves and they make a great team.And there best friend Funny mike and jaliya make a great couple .💕 Dede3x is a great raper and he is so puticuler and his work he don't throw it in the trash just beause he got it wrong .And tray the kangsquade and j is so interestinge what they do but they have to get the like up on youtube. The authorr miracle davis.

