Chaos Womb of Gods

Chyler EP
2 min readNov 7, 2018


Chaos/Khaos is considered to the first state of existence or otherwise known as a void of space. Chaos was often seen to be a female where she was the primal feature of the universe. Chaos is said to have given birth to the first beings including: Gaia (the Earth), Tartarus (the Underworld), Nyx (the Darkness of the night), Erebus (the Darkness of the Underworld), and Eros (Sexual Love). These children of Chaos thus created the world which is why Chaos is often seen as the womb where all life was created. Theres many theories of what Chaos is and looks like developed from historians and poets. The mythology of Chaos is forever changing and differing. The earliest reference of Chaos is in Hesoids book “Theogony”. Has also been written about by Ovid a Roman poet who described her as “complete disorder and confusion”. Two common visions of Chaos is “Chaos as a Dwelling Place” and “Chaos as the First Progenitor”. Another common name for Chaos is a goddess without Myths. Chaos now is not mentioned in much but still is a unknown, mysterious figure in Greek Mythology.


“Chaos • Facts the About Primordial Gaping Void & Beginning of Everything.” Greek Gods & Goddesses, 3 Jan. 2017,

“Chaos.” Chaos in Greek Mythology — Crystalinks,

“Chaos.” Greek Mythology,



Chyler EP

15 year old girl just started this for school but I quite like writing