Beware The Legend Of Hachishakusama…

gabby Aguilar
5 min readNov 7, 2022


Hachishakusama Is a Japanese urban legend of a woman who’s 8-feet tall and haunts children in Japan. The name translates to “8-feet tall person.” In many cases only children can see her. I will tell you this story in someones perspective who has survived Hachishakusama. “i was very young when this happened. i was at my grandmas and grandpa’s house in japan. they had a huge backyard and a flower bush that was about eight feet. i was playing outside all alone with my toys and all of a sudden i hear someone saying “po.” this went on repeatedly for mins. i then saw her, she was wearing a white dress with a white hat. she was as tall as the flower bushes. she was staring at me while saying “po, po, po” slowly. it didn’t sound like a woman’s voice. it sounded deep, very deep. She then left and after she left i ran to my grandparents and they didn’t pay attention to me until i mentioned the sounds she was making. their eyes widened as they heard me repeat it. my grandpa put down his tea and starts getting serious. he was asking me so many questions and if i didn’t answer quickly he would repeat it louder or move onto the next question. “when was this? did she see you? where did she go? where did this happen?” i was getting really scared. My grandpa got up and was on the phone with someone. i hugged my grandma and asked her whats going on.

As she held me close to her and kissed my head she said that i was now the next victim of Hachishakusama. Hachishakusama is a evil spirit who was captured by monks and was placed somewhere far away and safe. with four statues of buddah facing every direction, one facing north, the other one facing south, and the other ones were facing west, and East. one of the statues broke and she managed to break free and roam around japan. She prays on children only to lure them into a forest never to be seen again. i started to cry and then we heard a knock on the door. it was lady standing next to my grandpa. she was a “witch” who would help me survive. she placed some stickers on the windows and my door. she then grabbed my arm and took me to my bedroom to give me directions. “you must never leave this room what so ever until 7Am, not even to use the restroom.” she then handed me a bucket. my grandpa and grandma placed four bowls of salt in each corner of the room. the witch then brought a statue of buddah and placed it in the center of the room. they covered the windows that are in my room. they closed the doors and i was all alone. everything was fine and then i suddenly heard a gentle knock. “ Dear, are you ok? do you want me to come in?” It sounded like my grandpa i was so desperate and was about to open my room door until i heard it. “po, po, po.” i stepped back and fell to the ground shaking in fear. it was getting louder, and louder. i looked around the room and the bowls of salt were now black. i kept praying to the Buddah statue non-stop, And then i fell asleep. when i woke up it was finally 7 in the morning. i opened the door and hugged my grandpa. i was so happy to see him! The witch looked at my grandpa and he let out a sigh. “dear, you must leave japan at once. Once you leave, You can never come back.”

I was sad and thats when my grandma said “we have to leave now to the airport or else Hachishakusama would come back and this time, she will get you.” We entered a van and there were 4 men in there. they were there to make sure nothing bad was gonna happen to me on our way to the airport. the witch and one of the men were in the front, i was in the middle with my grandma and the second man. in the back was my grandpa and the other men. The lady told me to keep my head down and that i should not look at any of the windows. no matter how much i hear or want to see, i cannot look. her saying that i obviously wanted to look, but i didnt. As we started driving i hear a slight tapping on the window. i ignored it but it kept getting louder. i then hear a loud BANG and i got scared and decided to look. it was her! it was Hachishakusama! The women knew that the presence of Hachishakusama was near and started praying. the tapping starting getting louder and louder. i started hearing ‘Po, Po, Po.” again and again!

the woman started praying louder by each second that past by… and then it went silent. We had arrived at the airport and i went back home in america. ten years later my grandma calls telling me my grandfather has passed away and that she has been diagnosed with cancer. i wanted to visit her and attend the funeral. but my grandpa left strict rules, and one of them is to not let me attend his funeral.. “I dont care about what happened to me, im going to visit you. its been 10 years grandma.. im fine and will always be fine.” My grandma was still not so sure about letting me go but she then gave up. “Alright dear, whatever you say.”

