#SocialisHuman : Why Social Media is a Human platform.

Sergio Garcia
3 min readDec 8, 2016


Social Media is many things for many people. It’s a way to stay connected to the world. It’s a powerful business and marketing tool and most of all it’s HUMAN.

Human? How so? Here’s how. Although the easy, flowing technology and apps are the gateway we use on Social Media, it’s HUMAN’s at the end of these platforms doing all the work. Have I lost you?

Ok maybe this might help? Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Google are the programs and apps we use to connect us to the world. But unless a human is using these programs or apps nothing happens.

A car is useless without a driver. So is Facebook without users engaging or updating their status or sharing with all the other users.

I was asked recently by a small business owner, “why some Social Media platforms take so long to generate sales?”

The short answer I gave him was this. When you are at a party and you are introduced to a “new” person do you instantly start telling them about your business and ask them if they want to buy your product or service?

NO? Why not? Because you just met. Right! You just met. You need to build rapport and trust before any such transactions. The same applies to Social Media. Humans rule Social Media! People want to deal with People. Social Media is a Human Platform.

So how do you build the relationship, how do you build trust?

To build trust on Social Media you need to Entertain, Educate or Engage.

Create quality content to share with the world. Your content can Entertain, such as quotes or funny pictures. Educate, if you have a specific knowledge or interest in a subject. Engage your audience and others. Comment and take an interest in others on Social Media.

Let’s go back to the party scenario. Imagine you have just met a “New Friend” at this party and your new friend spends the first hour talking about themselves and not asking you anything at all. Boring right? Same with Social Media. Unless you’re Kayne West in which case you may find it Entertaining.

Do you now see the importance of being human, even if you are a brand or business? For the most part Facebook, GooglePlus and Twitter can have post scheduled and this is ok to save you time. But if your are scheduling posts and not keeping an eye on it you may find your audience “engaging you” but your no where to be seen. This is not HUMAN. If you are posting your are expecting a response. If you get a response you must engage. It’s just good manners.

Check out these useful articles, how to use #Hashtags on Instagram for more followers. A great blog post for those of you seeking to increase your sales using Instagram can be found here.

Need a partner on your journey?

Don’t know where to start on your social business journey?
Contact me today and let’s discuss how I can help you get started on
Social Media and develop a plan that will create real results!



Sergio Garcia

Founder I 2 Sons Marketing — Consulting, Digital, Social Media Marketing, Website Design & SEO Since 2005 #LikesDontEqualSales — www.2sonsmarketing.com