Unfollow All Verified Accounts

Tim Pastoor
2 min readFeb 24, 2017


Really. You’re doing it for them. It will make this world a better place.

I‘m guessing you’re either one of these two types of people:

  1. Someone who clicks on random links on the Interwebs, or
  2. Someone with a Verified Twitter account.

If you belong to the first category, I hope this short read may inspire you. However, if you belong to the second category, here’s what happened:

1. You might have missed my previous article on this topic. The topic is more extensive than I could cover, but nobody reads 12-minute articles. So, yeah.

2. I wrote this article.

3. You most-likely sent a copy of your passport or drivers license to Twitter, a.k.a., some random folks you’ve never met who kindly asked you for it. Giving random people such a copy is almost never a good idea, and please don’t ever do it again, unless it’s the law (topic for another rant). The best way to prevent identity theft is by not handing out sensitive personally identifiable information, when it’s not really required. This could prevent anything up to your house getting stolen, which is an actual thing. Your house. *poof*. Gone.

4. There’s a minor chance people unfollowed you. If they did, it’s only because we want to disincentive behavior that empowers systems and procedures that shouldn’t be there in the first place, as I hope you understand at this point.

Exhibit A:

In 1943, during WW2, we (the Dutch) tried burning our civil registries. Sadly, it was too little, and too late.

But we mean it in a good way! I’m sure you’ll understand once you’ve had the time to digest all this. Think about it like this: It only means your unfollowers really care(d) about you! They want you to stay safe! Isn’t this adorbs?

^ much adorbs

5. I’m sitting here, living the illusion of raising awareness, while stocking up on popcorn, waiting for that Verified database to leak.

-The End-



Tim Pastoor

Rants about Bitcoin, P2P Identity & Reputation, and Intermediaries