How to use an ACES node: Ethereum Transfer

3 min readOct 25, 2017


Using ACES is a quick and easy way to engage the Ethereum blockchain without owning an ETH. Traditionally, to engage in any activities on the Ethereum platform you needed ETH. What happens when you only hold ARK but also want to participate? You use an ACES node. The node owns the ETH and sends it on your behalf in exchange for your precious ARK.

Step 1: Let’s begin, visit: and under ‘Ethereum Transfer’ click the button.

Click the highlighted button

Here you’ll find information about the node. Lets go over some terminology.

Service Capacity: This is the total amount of ETH you’ll be able to acquire/send. The node stores ETH in a wallet which it draws from when you initiate a transfer.

Flat Fee and Percent Fee: The person initiating the transfer pays this to the node.

Service Status: Is the node running? UP = Yes.

Step 2: Below that, we get to input information relating to the transfer, it’s pretty self explanatory. Fill out all the information below and click the button.

You won’t be able to proceed to the next step until you fill this out

Once you submit the form you will be taken to the listener status page. If the listener is running correctly, you’ll see the status listed as ‘Listener Running.’ In the red box you’ll see the details of the transaction that ACES is listening for.

Step 3: You must send the required ARK amount to the Service Ark Address listed and include the SmartBridge Text provided to you. Open up your ARK wallet to do this.

Initiate an ARK transfer through your wallet and include the 3 values in the red box
After you input the 3 values, type your passphrase and finish to complete the transfer

Step 4: Go back to the node webpage and watch for your transaction to finish. This usually takes about 5–10 seconds. You will notice the top box turns green. There is no need to refresh the page to make the box turn green. To view the transaction on the Ethereum blockchain click the ‘Eth Transaction Hash.’

Successful Transaction!

