This is my true story how I created Industrial 3d Printer Skybot

3 min readMar 26, 2024

Hey there, everyone! I’m Dulat, and I’ve got an incredible tale to share with you today — the story of how Skybot, an industrial 3D printer, came to life. A printer with dimensions of 1000 * 1000 * 1000, ready to shake up the world of manufacturing.

It all began on May 19, 2023, when I started attending various events in the Bay Area of California. Armed with a homemade portable generator, I wanted to showcase the potential of 3D printing. But things got a little crazy when the police mistook my generator for a bomb in Sunnyvale! Talk about a misunderstanding!

Despite the initial chaos, I was determined to make my mark. With my background as an engineer at Hewlett Packard, I knew I had the skills to create something extraordinary. And so, the journey of Skybot began.

Fast forward to a pitching event where I met a mysterious individual who pointed me towards the Hacker Place in Mountain View, CA. Intrigued, I headed there and pitched my idea to a room full of innovators. While the project didn’t go as planned, it led me down a new path — creating an EV portable charger for electric cars.

After months of hard work, the charger was ready for testing. I approached Tesla changing stations and found a few willing testers. However, my dreams of mass installation were dashed when they rejected my offer over warranty concerns. Disheartened but undeterred, I put the project on hold.

But fate had other plans. As I worked on a new drone engine, I realized I needed a large 3D printer to bring my designs to life. And just like that, Skybot was born. With CAD software as my canvas, I meticulously designed every aspect of Skybot, working day and night to perfect it.

As I unveiled Skybot at a pitching event, the excitement was palpable. I even caught the attention of a M.. representative who offered me a job — which, to my regret, I turned down in my exhaustion. But my passion for Skybot never wavered.

Over the next seven months, I poured my heart and soul into perfecting Skybot, overcoming obstacles and even dealing with patent disputes along the way. Finally, in February 2024, Skybot was ready to print its first model.

And print it did! With firmware protection and endless hours of testing, Skybot proved itself as a true game-changer in the world of 3D printing. As I look back on my journey, I’m reminded of the importance of perseverance, belief in oneself, and the power of innovation.

So there you have it — the remarkable journey of Skybot, an ode to the relentless pursuit of greatness. And hey, if you want to join me on this journey or learn more about Skybot, feel free to reach out on my email!

