The Bulls & The Bears

2EZ Crypto πŸŒ‘πŸŒ•
3 min readAug 12, 2022



We are often faced with difficult conversations in life, just like The Birds and The Bees conversation a parent would have with their child. Although these conversations are difficult, they are important to helping a young mind mature and make better decisions in their life. Same goes for The Bulls & The Bears.

Why is it difficult to discuss The Bulls & The Bears? Easy, people love when things are going up and the markets are great, but when they are down people are immediately turned off to the thought of investing. Wild to think about when the best investment strategy ever given was Buy Low, Sell High.


Bulls vs Bears

What is a Bull? A Bull, as an animal, charges against what it is focused on and thrusts it’s horns into the target. Now think of the market. A Bullish Investor buys more of what they believe in and what they are focused on as a good investment for the future. They then can charge their liquidity in that direction, in the hopes of a Return on Investment (ROI).

There are different levels of Bulls like the the lonely Bull being forced to perform in front of an audience and then the famous Running with The Bulls (Our Favorite).


Unfortunately, no matter what Bull Cycle you are in, small or big, Bulls get tired. When the Bulls begin to run out of steam The Bears begin to crawl out of their cold dark caves, hungry to feed their demented appetite.

What is a Bear? A Bear, as an animal, is a creature that spends most of it’s time on the hunt preparing for hibernation. Now think of the market. A Bearish Investor wants to stock up for the winter, while markets are down and begin to hunt for opportunity. Then, when the time comes, the Investor can hibernate and begin to reap the benefits from their hunt (ROI).


Just like The Bulls, there are levels of Bears such as your Polar Bear, which is ice cold and knows how harsh the winter will be. Then you have Northern California Bears that just want to Smoke n’ Chill. The levels at which Bears come out to play, depends on the irresponsibility of the Bulls.

The good news about The Bears is that they are a necessary part of any Market so that a healthy Market can continue to grow. Bears do get tired as well just like Bulls, but the more exhausted The Bears are, the more juiced up The Bulls will be!

Everyone loves The Bull Cycle, but only very few appreciate The Bear Cycle. To truly conquer the markets and create generational wealth, they both demand the same amount of respect. Don’t make investing hard and be sure to familiarize yourself with Both The Bulls & The Bears.

P.S.: The Bulls play longer than The Bears. Meaning Bull Cycles are longer than Bear Cycles. Time is your friend.

~ 2EZ



2EZ Crypto πŸŒ‘πŸŒ•