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The EZ Side Update: October 3rd, 2022

2EZ Crypto ๐ŸŒ‘๐ŸŒ•
5 min readOct 3, 2022


โ€œI take whatโ€™s mine, then take some more.โ€ ~ A$AP Rocky


Crypto News ๐Ÿ“ˆ:
$BTC over $0
$ETH over $0
$XRP under $0.50
$SOL under $40
$MATIC under $1
$LINK under $10
$ATOM under $12.50
$NEAR under $4
$ALGO under $0.40
$FLOW under $2

In Crypto, I see more unity than division because we are united around one goal. People from all around the world are building a market for Free People and taking what is rightfully theirs. Access to free markets, directly.

There are bad players yes, but there have been bad players in every game, ever played. Donโ€™t allow fear to control your emotions and maintain a vision of balance. No matter what, we will continue on building a better tomorrow. Donโ€™t lose the faith here frenz, we are only getting started.


Crypto News ๐Ÿ“ฐ:
- Cali Crypto crack down
- Fed talks some Crypto
- CFTC takes action on Digitex?
- Crypto added to Retirement?
- Decoupling?
- Disney going full Meta?
- Coinbase ๐Ÿค$LINK
- Swift ๐Ÿค$LINK
- Robinhod goes w/ $MATIC

We are going back to Cali this week, with some interesting news. It seems the local government in one of the most beautiful states in the U.S. is claiming 11 Crypto Firms violated Securities Laws.


Cryptocurrencies are not labeled as Securities and they should definitely have their own set of rules when it comes to protecting the investors. Is what Cali doing too harsh? Again, if they are getting the bad players, we have no quarrels.


The importance of Crypto is being recognized with every passing day and I believe these few comments could support that thesis:

They recognize the importance of developing Crypto and they understand how important it is to have a regulatory framework. We see a whole lot of talk and very little action though. The market was decimated. The response from government institutions and politicians from both sides of the isle has been extremely disappointing.


This week, the CFTC flexed their muscle showing that they are becoming the Crypto Police.

If a company was offering options and futures on their platforms and did not register with the SEC, then yes this is understandable. Why you ask? Because it is vital that the futures and options markets are well regulated so we donโ€™t have another Celsius or Voyager moment.


Crypto is obviously becoming valuable enough to where Lawmakers are even drafting up legislation to add the Digital Assets to 401k plans.

Until we can assure investors that Crypto is a safe and a reliable asset class for retirement accounts, itโ€™s hard to see this taking off right away without support. If we do see this Bill make it to the Presidentโ€™s desk and he actually signs it, that will be an extremely bullish sign for the Crypto Markets.


Have we entered into the time of Decoupling? The question is being raised more and more everyday.

We donโ€™t want to get overly excited, but watching how stocks performed the past week to finish off September and Crypto remained sideways, was a good sign. Keep the faith frenz, we are building something special.

If we are going to 0 then why is Disney hiring a lawyer concerning the subject?

The real question is can Disney continue to stick with the times and help produce timeless classics for generations to come? The spirit of Walt and his imagination lives on through creators in the Meta and that is something the Disney Company will need to embrace while entering this space.


This part of the week was quite surprising with Robinhood announcing theyโ€™re integrating their platform with Web3 using Polygon.

Good for Robinhood. Long live $GME & $DOGE though.


Letโ€™s continue to round this corner lads. The harvest is coming. Stay hungry. I promise you, WAGMI.

~ 2EZ




2EZ Crypto ๐ŸŒ‘๐ŸŒ•