Is Money Mutual with Montel Williams a scam?

25 min readMar 21, 2019


Is Money Mutual with Montel Williams a scam?

I heard the commercial a little while ago, and I make $1000/month and a loan would be great for me right now…but I don’t wanna get into something I have no clue about….can someone help me?

Answer : I recommend that you visit this site where one can get from different companies: .

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“Is Money Mutual with Montel Williams a scam?

I heard the commercial a little while ago, and I make $1000/month and a loan would be great for me right now…but I don’t wanna get into something I have no clue about….can someone help me?

If you file for bankruptcy will you lose your house? Or will you not know till you get out of court?
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Are American Express Blue Cards good for young adults?
I’m 21 years old and make about $1,500 a month. I just recently got a new car(2003) and I had to have someone co-sign because I don’t have a credit score.Not bad credit, just NO CREDIT. I’m wanting to build up my credit score and I’m thinking about applying for a credit card to do so. I thought the American Express looked good, but I don’t really know a whole lot about credit cards.Any help or tips about this will be much appreciated. Thank you.””
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“”Unaware of debt, collection added to credit report. Help!?””
I live in NC. Yesterday I received a letter in the mail from a collection agency in CA stating that I owe $3900 to a hospital I used to work for. It said a negative credit report reflecting your credit record may be submitted to all credit reporting agencies if you fail to fulfill the terms of your credit obligations””””. I immediately got online and checked my credit report””


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Is it possible to still qualify for an auto loan with medium/fair credit?
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“”How can I get a loan for 10,000 with poor/fair credit?””
Family & friends is not an option- neither are payday loans. I own my own condo with no mortgage but it is only valued at $60,000. Tried to apply for a home equity loan from my bank Chase to pay off credit cards and other debts but was not approved. I am employed full time and just need to get out of this financial rut and start clean so I want to consolidate and have already tried to apply for personal loans but that doesnt help much and its quite hard. Do I keep trying other banks (wells fargo?bank of america?) to see if they will approve me for a home equity loan or credit union? what other options do I have to get a loan of $10,000–15,000? I dont belong to any credit unions so I’m not too familiar with how they work or if I can just walk-in.””
Where can I get a FREE credit report?
I would like to get a copy of my credit report so I can see where Im at and start building my score up/ paying off old debts. I’ve seen comercials for free credit reports but I’m leary beacuse I dont want to give my credit card number out. I dont want to be charged for it. Is there somewhere online I can go to get this without supplying any credit card information?
Credit Score?
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Can you get two mortgages for 1 house instead of 1 big mortgage?
i am buying the house with another person, so can we each get a mortgage for 300k?””
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Which Credit monitoring services are the best?
I just had my bankruptcy discharged and I would like to be proactive of my credit report, I would like to know which credit monitoring services are the best and wallet friendly?””
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“”I’m 20, and my credit score is 727. How does this compare to others my age, and how does it effect me?””
So, I got my free credit report from American Express today, and my score is 727. Is this low bracket excellent category? I feel as though I fully understand the fundamentals of a credit card. Now, I am looking into auto loans. How would this effect me if I were trying to get an auto loan? I have 4 credit cards on my report — two of them are low limit cards for stores, and I have not used the card yet. The other two are my American Express and Student Visa (i don’t really use visa anymore) but my credit limits are 2,000 and 1,700) So, are these other cards bringing my score down? I don’t want to move into the good”””” category at any point in life… Or will my score increase as I own these cards for longer and continue to pay off the balance every time? (my student visa is from 2007"”
“”I have found the national interest rates for auto loans, how do I calculate the rates for poor or good credit?””
I am trying to help a friend. I do not want to be nosey and ask her what her credit rating is, excellent, good, poor, but I was wondering if there is a certain amount of percentage points that are suppose be added to the national auto loan rates that I found online. I beleive the national auto loan rates is based on good-excellent credit rating, right? Thanks for your help. It is greatly appreciated.””
Why are business loans more expensive?
Im looking at a loan for some equipment for the business and after hearing about all the home loan cuts and how cheap they are i was surprised to see business loans are still high. Why are these much higher then personal home loans?
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“Is Money Mutual with Montel Williams a scam?

I heard the commercial a little while ago, and I make $1000/month and a loan would be great for me right now…but I don’t wanna get into something I have no clue about….can someone help me?

Credit score? credit reporting?
ok so me and my roommates have cable through charter… i used to work there and my supervisor switched everything into my name so we could get free cable which came with working there she changed everything from my roommates name into my name except for the social security number….. we have a $700 bill and my roommates arent going to pay it.. will it go on my credit score for it being under my name or will it go under my roommates for it being his social security number?? credit score for my name of his social?
What happens to the mortgage if I have my house condemned?
~ Holly ~ At this point I can’t imagine anyone paying for anything more than the land. I wouldn’t come close to getting anywhere near the $80,000.00 I owe on it due to the condition the water damage has caused. If I could just walk away, I would. I’m sure this house needs a new foundation and there is no way that I can afford that, or much of anything else anymore.””
How can i get a free credit report?

When does a cash advance get paid off (Before or after credit card transactions)?
Cash advances on credit cards usually have higher interest rates. So when you make a cash advance and pay your credit card your minimum payment for instance, does the cash advance get paid off first or do the credit transactions get paid off. Or does the credit card company make it so you pay the cash advances last when you are about to pay off your entire cc balance?””
Can i transfer my car loan to my brother?
heres the situation. im planning to go back to school and wont be able to afford my car payments anymore. i went to the dealership and they would give me 5000 dollars towards a trade in there and they are trying to get me into a new im trying to get my brother to legaly through my lean holder to take over my payments then go to the same dealership and get that same deal. would that be possible? i got screwed over when i got that vehicle and they are trying to do right but its still just a lil too much for me. the new car is cheaper than the one i have now and i have a 2010 which i got only 8 months ago. so my brother would be in a lil hole but id have a clean slate to my name and can go finance a cheaper 6000 dollar car and pay way less than i was paying before like300 less
What does loan in principle mean?
we have applied for a loan, they have done credit checks and made us a loan offer and agreed to a loan in principle, subject to credit agreement and final checks, i have sent back credit agreement and all id and bank statements, what does a loan in principle actually mean and what would be the reasons for refusal after them agreeing to loan in principle??””
Should we file Bankruptcy on home?
Ok we bought this house about 2 years ago. It is only 7 years old. We dont have any equity in it. In the past 4 months we notcied settlement cracks wall thats what we thought. We hired a company to check it out well the crawl space of the house is so full of moisture it as completely turned 1/3 of our support beams into card board. To fix all problems it will cost us 20 grand +. We have hired a lawyer to go after the builder but they filed bankruptcy and are no longer in buisness. There is mold covering everything under this house and we are looking for a different place to stay in. Our insurance company has fought with our lawyer and wont cover it because its the builders fault. My house is falling in literally and we are getting behind on our mortgage and we have to find somewhere else to live. We dont have the money to fix it and now we have to pay a lawyer. Our last resort is filing bankruptcy. Has anyone filed on a house before? We make less then the median income.
“”Can’t afford a piano, keyboard help?””
I always loved the piano, from Mozart to Beethoven and always dreamed of being able to play Fur Elise and other classics. Unfortunately I don’t have the money to purchase what I would call a traditional (grand piano) I guess. I need a less expensive alternative but know almost nothing about pianos. I see 51 key, 64 key keyboards and just want to know which one is the closet(in sound and key setup) to an actual grand piano. Also if you know of a particularly good brand that I can learn on that would be much appreciated as well. I don’t want the keys to sound futuristic or electronic, I just want a keyboard that will sound as close as possible to a normal piano””””. Thank you so much for your help this means a lot to me.””””””
Who else hates the songs from the free credit commercial?
i hate those songs and cant stand the fake band playing them….give me your opinion
What is best way to get rid of my car? i owe 20k and it worth about 20k i have 07 civic si with 2900 mi on it
it’s only a 2 months old SI sedan. i love it, but i can’t no longer drive it. i need a new car because i have a herniated disc and symtoms of sciatica. if i can’t sell it to a private party, i’m forced to trade in my car for a used sedan, but i would be paying $400 a month for a $18000 cars like used camcords. i put down $2000 and paying $355 a month for my civic(72 months). % was 8.7 is there realistic chance that i can sell my car to a private party? what happens to the title? i went to the car max and they offered $16000. i went to my honda dealer and they told me to trade down to civc LX and pay $390 a month. what should i do? what would be my best choice? please help. joe””
How should I handle old accounts that were removed from my credit history?
I have several accounts (over seven years since last delinquency) that were just recently removed from my credit history. I’m not sure on how to handle it. Should I try to settle the accounts or forget about it? And if settling the account is better, how should I approach the collection agencies? I do want to fix my credit score that my ex-boyfriend had badly misused but I have no clue on where to begin. I just started working and have very little savings. Most of the balances on the old accounts have been multiplied several times from its original amount (from about 8k to over 20k now) due to interests. I need help!””
Is my car loan interest compounded daily?
I purchased a new car last year. I was told it was a 60-month loan. In the past, I have had fixed rate loans for my autos and each month the principal payment goes up and the interest payment decreases. On the loan I have currently, the amount of the monthly payment towards the principal seems to vary depending on the day of the month that the payment is applied. Some of the earlier payments have a greater amount applied to the principal than later payments. Does anyone know what kind of loan this is? and will it be paid off in 60-months if the principal payment varies in this way?””
Moving out of state loan?
Im moving from NC to TX and I need a loan for about 1400. I already have an account with a NC based company. I have a credit of 1600 with them. The only problem is I dont think that they will give me the loan since im moving half way across the country. And I dont want to ask first in case they say no they dont give loans for that. Ive asked around and they say just say its personal but I feel that since its alot they will ask what its for. Do y’all know if loan companies do give out loans for moving to other states and if not what can I say I need a $1400 loan for?
“”Free Credit Report Dot Com? Tell your friend, Tell your Dad, Tell your Mom?””
Finish the song for best answer! (I want to know the song but cant find it on google, lol.)””
Credit report problem. pleaseee help.?
hi I recently tried to access a copy of my credit report online…because I was receiving calls about accounts that I knew nothing of. I am 21, I have never taken out anything in my name, I am currently unemployed, I have no credit cards, etc. So I thought that was very alarming. The only clue is my ((new)) stepfather had my social security card without my knowledge in a safe at his house. I GOT IT BACK as soon I found out, because I needed for my drivers license. Anyway..back to the report it was going well till I got to the security questions…REMIND YOU…I NEVER FILLED OUT ANY QUESTIONS, yet there was bizarre answers and things they asked that said ONLY I SHOULD KNOW because it is on my file. I dont know the answers because I never knew anything about them therefore I could not obtain my credit report…WHAT IS GOING ON????? Is that a clue about something?? Has my identity been compromised?””
Can a creditor call my employer to collect a debt?
I recently had a creditor, (General revenue corporation) Call my work to find me, Is this legal?, it really burns me that they would bother me at work to collect a debt. Can I do anything to stop them from doing this in the future?””
Can I check my credit score without having to pay for it?
all the sites i have investigated require you to purchase something. why do i have to pay to see MY credit score? can i see it for free?
How to write apartment number in address thing?
I’m moving into and apartment, and I was know how they ask for your address when you are ordering something online? What do you write if you live in an apartment?””
Do you need to be 18 to buy a prepaid credit card?
I need to buy something online and my mom is old school and doesn’t trust anything with computers… I’m 17 and need to buy something with a credit card and was wondering if you need to be 18 to buy a prepaid credit card (Amex, Visa, Mastercard)?””
Should I deffer a payment on a loan that I am going to claim bankruptcy on?
I have a loan that gets taken strait out of my bank account and my husband lost his job so I can’t afford to pay it this month, I am trying to get enough money together to pay for a lawyer so I can file for bankruptcy. I will file within the month but I really need the $145 from the loan, I feel bad for doing it though, can they do anything to me if I do this, will it affect my bankruptcy. I can’t pay any of my bills this month except for the major ones.””
Can i get a small car loan.?
im 18 (almost 19) and i need 2000 or 3000 for a car loan but i don’t have a co-signer. i have 5000 saved but i need a couple of thousand more. i have had the same job for 4 years. i would like to know what are my chances of my bank or any other bank loaning me the money with out a cosigner. i also know that i can buy a car for 5000 i would just like to know if i can get a small car loan with out a co-signer.
“”I have a 578 credit score, what amount do you think i can recieve if i apply for a car loan?””
i’ve been paying my bills on time the past few months, and also what interest rate am i looking at here?””
How can I get an instant loan?
I need a short term 2 week loan for $800. Does anyone know a reputable place that I can get it?
Interested in the HR Block Emerald Advance (line of credit)?
New and previous customers qualify if: . You do not owe H&R Block (previous advance) . You do not owe the IRS . You don’t have outstanding student loans . You do not owe back childs support . You have not filed for bankruptsy . You made over $10,000 this year . You are currently employed . You will be getting back over $1,000 on you refund They WILL be doing credit checks this year, but they are only looking for the above mentioned items. Bring in your I.D and your last pay stub If you DID NOT do your taxes with H&R Block last year, bring in your 2007 tax return You can borrow up to $1,000 this year! Most people qualified for $800 Last year they did not do credit checks, and you could only borrow up to $500. This year some of the requirements have changed because the amount you can borrow has gone up. For some reason alot of people have been getting denied. H&R Block seems to think it is due to system problems they have been experiencing (too many applications trying to be processed at once, nationwide). Try going in as early in the morning as possible. The system should be clear of Emerald Advance applications. Bring in all of your required information. Good Luck! PS. Tell us how it went! “”

“Is Money Mutual with Montel Williams a scam?

I heard the commercial a little while ago, and I make $1000/month and a loan would be great for me right now…but I don’t wanna get into something I have no clue about….can someone help me?

What is the relationship between population growth and the carrying capacity?

Questions on auto loans?
so basically i write a 2500 dollar check to the dealer and pay 2100 for the car and get 400 back for repairs.
How can you tell an online scam thru yahoo messenger?
chatting with a guy online getting kind of serious wants me to send him money so he can get back home. Is this a scam
Where can I get the best car loan with bad credit?
I transport people to and from Bible study and I need a car but first I need a car loan. My credit score is kind of low though. I also need to get to and from work. Any suggestions?
Are there any legit Medical Transcription Jobs Available?
I am a very dedicated, hardworker. I am looking for a full time, part time, or any time Medical Transcription job. I will transcribe outside of the medical field also. I graduated at the top of my class at Tennessee Career College years ago for Medical Transcription. I love doing medical transcribing and have a year of experience doing it on my own. The problem is everyone wants many more years experience. There is also the worry of getting ripped off or waiting forever to get paid. I am the kind of person that makes things happen. I can only work from home right now and have taught myself eBay and achieved Top Rated Seller. I need to have a job knowing exactly what I am bringing home each week and eBay is up and down with what I am working with. I love Medical Transcription and would like to dedicate myself to a good job doing this like I have to eBay. My goal is to make money and have a long successful career doing what I love. If anyone has this position open please get ahold of me through yahoo answers or Please don’t respond if you are scammer I need to make money not lose it.””
Is there anyway to find out what collection agencies I owe without looking at my credit report?
I already got my free yearly credit report about four months ago, and I am wondering how I can find out who I owe since I really don’t know. There are some I owe who have not contacted me in months. I’m considering either consolidation or bankruptcy, so I need to find out soon.””
Any Online Car Loans companies that do not require full coverage?
I was going to try out CapitalOne but I think they do require full coverage. Is there any other place I can apply w/o requiring full coverage since Liability alone is roughly the same as I pay now.
“”Who is the cheapest bankruptcy attorney in Nashville, Tennessee?

Getting a car loan with a credit score of 489? I have a down payment..?
I plan on getting a used car — price range 7500–8k. I can pay 3,500 down””
Appealing Financial Aid?
I’m working with him on several scholarship applications. I’m just confused why if all 3 schools received the same tax info, 1 of them interpreted it so differently than the other two. And believe me, I see how much this family struggles, even to send 2 of the kids to college. $20,000 would be impossible for the family. Has anyone else every been in a similar situation? How do you get the school’s financial aid committee to realize that my mentee literally will not be able to go to the school without more help?””


“”Credit Card Debt, Should I use Debt Managment? Greenpath?””
welllll, being young and naive I sort’ve got myself into a little mess with credit cards. I owe about 30k in credit card debt and a bank loan + 5k in student loans. Well, I’m having hard times, perfect credit for 12 years until I lost my job at the post office. I was working thru temp 1 day a week, now I’m working minimum wage and haven’t paid on any of 5 cards in 3 months. I explained the situation to the creditors and told them to please stop calling me so much, I recieved 20 calls in a day from the one company! So my car blows up too.. I did have the ball together, was starting my own business,, now everything fell apart, car blows up, gal left w/ kid, living in hell,,, please help my broke asz.. has anyone used Greenpath debt management? Chase sent me there way, they said they will get the cards down to 2%, consolidated, and paid off in 59 months. I don’t care about my credit so much, I just want get my life together again.. So basically i’d be paying $560 a month instead of almost $900.. It wasn’t hard paying these when I had a good job, but now its near impossible..Thanks for your opinions!!! You can call me a loser if u like ;)””
“”Can I surrender my house, without negative credit report?””
I am unable to afford my home. I would like to surrender it to the bank, instead of a foreclosure. I am not behind in payments, but It has become difficult to maintain the home and life expensives.””
Does anyone have tips on settling credit card debts?
I want specific tips for negotiating with the credit card companies. I’m somewhat meek and I know it’s going to be hard for me to really stand my ground when trying to settle. I’m a few thousand dollars in debt, haven’t been making payments for about 4–5 months so they should be desperate to settle. I’m just nervous about getting them to agree on an amount I can afford. I have a student loan and I can only settle for a certain amount of that obviously. Has anyone done their own debt settling before, without a consolidation company? Thanks for any advice :) (Please don’t answer the question with comments about why I SHOULDN’T settle my debts or had bad credit cards are. This is something I have obviously already realized and not what I’m asking, I am set on paying a lump sum to settle.)””
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What is the best solution for online identity protection? ty
Can you get a payday loan at age 18 in British Columbia?
Can you get a payday loan at age 18 in British Columbia?
Can banks seize your other assets if you default on your mortgage?
I know banks can foreclose on the house and sell it, but can they legally garnish my wages, take my savings, etc. or are they only limited to taking away the house? Will I still be liable for the remaining balance on the mortgage? I’m not talking bankruptcy. Does the bank taking my house clear my debt with them since they will pocket the proceeds from the sale? Isn’t that a risk banks assume when lending?””

Where is the best place to get a personal loan?
I am a subcontractor and don’t have any paystubs or statements for my current work. I do have credit but need a personal loan because I’m looking at buying a truck being sold privately. I do have a vehicle that I can use for collateral since I will be selling it soon after. I need about $10,000 or $13,000 Canadian. What is the best way to go about this, and who should I try?””

Pay off my auto loan? Or Add to my down payment for a home loan?
yes, in my area $10,000 covers a down payment, these numbers I’ve already configured with my banker, I know I’m a little impatient in asking on here (I should really wait and talk to my banker). Emergency fund I’m working on-how much would you suggest to have aside? Sorry for so many questions, but as a first time home buyer I want to be sure all my tracks are covered, I don’t want people judging my mistakes especially based on my age, I’ve heard at least 3 months of bills to should be set aside.””
Any private lenders that deal with bad credit loans?
I need a loan to cover my school tuition and I do not have a credit-worthy co-signer.
Can a country file bankruptcy?
it has been in the news lately that the U.S. is almost at its debt limit and what not, and im not really that familiar with economic topics or anything, but this whole debt situation left me wondering if a country (especially of the stature as the U.S.) can file bankruptcy????””

“Is Money Mutual with Montel Williams a scam?

I heard the commercial a little while ago, and I make $1000/month and a loan would be great for me right now…but I don’t wanna get into something I have no clue about….can someone help me?

