How To Get A Chat ID In Telegram

2 min readFeb 21, 2023


When you come to this article, I will not talk about what Telegram is!!!

I will show you the fastest way to get your Chat ID without using BotFather or third-party bots.

Make sure you already have a Telegram account and are using it on your smartphone!

Please follow these steps:
1. Open a browser to access Telegram’s Web platform:
2. If not logged in, log in with your smartphone via QR code. They have detailed instructions on the screen, follow it.

3. After successful login, you will see your chat interface or chat groups. In the search box, enter the keyword: “Saved Messages”. This is where you chat with yourself and I usually use it to save some personal information for my convenience.

4. Here, keep your eyes on the web browser’s path. You will see a link like this:
5. The number after “#” is your Chat ID. Mine is: 1814026111

Good luck and don’t forget to Clap me, thanks!

