How makes everybody wins, and why you should consider to have your own gallery there.

2nd Accident
7 min readJul 4, 2020

Welcome to weekly blog by Alex Bogo.

Today i wanted to speak with you about the most original, smart and most understimated platform to find a photography and video footages for your: business, projects, videos, website, wallpaper etc… Which is a


|How this platform make both sides (photographers and audience) win.

|How they connect creators and consumers

|What exactly makes them friendliest platform

|Why you could consider opening a photographer on this platform

|How they can convert a viewer to a client with only “like” button

|Why even I uploaded a gallery, without being a photographer at the same time.

|How they can make time work for you

What a Musician can say about photographers platform.

Pretty much, actually. First of all, it’s not a platform for photographers or videomakers, that created in order to promote their works.

It’s made for people in general. All people, because, if you searching for something, its probably available on

And most interesting part…

It’s free.

The problem is- you can’t just go, and get anything that will be Quality, Free, and Add-Free at the same time…

Or you can?

Doesnt looks like Free. But it is.

Pictures are available for free, you can use it at any case you want, and it will be absolutely legal.

But how pexels manages to collect a great library and keep it free at the same time?

I’m not sure that i ready to answer this question. But one of the reasons is…


Pexels has a competitions page, where anyone can win real money in amount from $100 to $5000 (depending on topic) by uploading a photo that match the topic of competition.

That keeps photographers motivated to upload the best of their best. And i cant remember that i have seen a photo and it was bad (trust me, I’ve seen a lot of photo-banks, I’ve seen a lot of…).

They also have automated quality control that won’t let you upload… low quality stuff.

As a result we have something like this…

I found all this photos in my… lets call it “liked folder” which is another nice move from Pexels that motivates people to just keep surfing the website, and like photos if you not sure yet if you want to use it, or to continue your search. You just like it and go on, without being afraid to lose a good shots that you found before. Then you have a bunch of favorite shots to choose from.

So you motivated to communicate with photographers. And simple thing like “like” has a valued function for both sides. You “save” fhoto that you are not sure that you ready to lose, and photographer gets your support and promotion.

And everyone is happy. This is genius, and here is why…

Lets compare with YouTube to let you understand why actually it’s genius move from pexels:

YouTube has a history feature, and its enough for me to just open and close video in order to save it, to watch later. But for the channel that uploaded that video it’s not very useful, and in some cases it can even damage a cgannel growth. If i do it with a small accounts, the algoritm will think that video from this channel just pissed me off for one second, what made me quit. And YouTube will hide this video from other people.

Same action, Different results.

In both cases I saved content to check it later.

Pexels naled it.

I’m happy to save an interesting shot, photographer happy to get another like from someone.

And it took one tap/click by the way.

In case of YouTube, Im happy to save a video or song to check it later (but now i feel a guilty a bit) and a creator is not happy at all. And its not creators fault that i dont have time at the moment.

And it took two taps/clicks by the way. Twice more. Little things, but with slow internet it becomes very important. And some people has slow internet.

This is why i respect Pexels’s approach.

  1. They make everybody win.
  2. They make it happen in most natural, simple and intuitive way.

Long term relationships between creators and consumers

Another interesting thing about pexels is… Where did i get these shots that i showing you in this post?

In this “liked” folder, right?

But… When did i saved this pictures? Yesterday? Week ago?

Some of this pictures been saved by me years ago… Now, It took a minute to find this pictures again, download it…again. How many times did i do it with each pictire? I dont know. I just keep doing it again and again.

So if you are creator on pexels, one simple like can build for you long term relationships with an audience.

I just liked one picture from one photographer years ago. And today it brings me back to his profile, makes me download his new picture for this post…

And the point is someone who liked one of his pictures (me) comes back two years later, and download another one…

One like on this platform is a such a powerful tool.

I don’t know about you. But, as a musician, if i had so close connection to my listener, that anyone could add my Music into his life for a years forward. Lets just say...

This is a huge advantage!

This is who you are on Pexels

The big thing

I want to focus your atention on one big thing. All this time we spoke about power of one simple tool like “like” on pexels. Imagine if likes on insta had 10% of pexels likes power? You’d have a passive income already. Here is why…

When i download your photo i see a pop up, and i have a time to actually read while this (8k definition) pic getting downloaded.

This pop up shows me that i actually can:

  1. Donate to this photographer
  2. Go to his insta
  3. Go to his Twitter
  4. Go to his website

The thing is…

At the moment of downloading a photo i feel pretty grateful for the ability to use this beautiful picture. And i interested in the person that made this shot with his/her $9k (and more) equipment and years of experience and let me able to download for 3 second…

Don’t you feel like this people are deserve something?

I do.

And Pexels knows it…

This is why i respect and their approach to get things done.

Thanks for reading guys. Means a lot to me. I have much more to say about this. But i will leave this pleasant experience for you to explore your self.


If you are photographer, send me your gallery on pexels I love to check works. And i use a lot of shots and vids daily. Btw, here is my own gallery.

Please lat me know one way or another if you liked this post or not.

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