Can I qualify for an ATT family plan with no credit?

28 min readMar 8, 2019


Can I qualify for an ATT family plan with no credit?

I am 18 and have very little, if any credit. My family is making a steady income now and prepaid is just not working for us any more. We end up paying more then we would with a plan. But my parents have been through a bankruptcy and have awful credit. I have a very small earning part time job, just around $100 a month and we cash the checks with my parents account. We also put my name on our internet a few months ago so I could build up credit. Though we pay with their account. Talking to the guy at the store he said I might pay a deposit, he said a guestimate would be $150 but he really didn’t seem that smart. He said we would have to run a credit check, it was late and I am debating on whether or not to do it. I know it takes away from credit to check (right?). I can afford a $200 deposit or so, but I can’t/won’t do a $700 one. Do any of you know around what I would pay on a deposit, or if I will have to pay one? Thanks!

Answer : I suggest you to visit this site where one can get from the best companies: .

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“Can I qualify for an ATT family plan with no credit?

I am 18 and have very little, if any credit. My family is making a steady income now and prepaid is just not working for us any more. We end up paying more then we would with a plan. But my parents have been through a bankruptcy and have awful credit. I have a very small earning part time job, just around $100 a month and we cash the checks with my parents account. We also put my name on our internet a few months ago so I could build up credit. Though we pay with their account. Talking to the guy at the store he said I might pay a deposit, he said a guestimate would be $150 but he really didn’t seem that smart. He said we would have to run a credit check, it was late and I am debating on whether or not to do it. I know it takes away from credit to check (right?). I can afford a $200 deposit or so, but I can’t/won’t do a $700 one. Do any of you know around what I would pay on a deposit, or if I will have to pay one? Thanks!

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Why does the government not control the interest rates and charges the credit card companies charge?
Credit card companies are allowed to increase interest rates to over 30% if they want. They also determine that the consumer is a poor credit risk if they have high balances on loans without looking at the fact that payments have been made in excess of amount billed and on a timely basis. It also seems that when a person nears retirement age, most companies increase the interest rate to the extent that it cannot be paid by a person on a reduced budget. This forces the older person to either go to a debt consolidation company (which charges for their services also) or quit paying, with the risk of loosing any assets that they have accumulated. Either way, embarrassing, harrassing phone calls have to be dealt with. A younger person with no home can file bankruptcy and they have no permanent consequence to this action. I am 62, have paid my bills all my life and now all interest rates increased and I can’t make payments, even with debt consolidation. HELP-PUT LIMITS ON CREDIT CO.””
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Paying off credit card balances in full every month?
I know about how spending 30% or less of my credit limit helps my credit score, and have read that NOT carrying a balance over each month helps as well. My question is, if I use my credit card for a purchase and pay the balance in full just a few day later, will that help my credit score? I don’t know when my balance is reported to credit bureaus. If I pay off the balance well before the due date, and my balance is reported as 0, is it as if I’m not using the card at all with no benefit to my score? I just want to pay off the balance every month well ahead of time to be safe, but not if it’s not going to benefit my score. How does this work?””
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Which will raise my credit score sooner?
I used to think charging on the credit card and then completely paying it off each time was best, but I was talking to my bank rep. and she said to keep a small balance on the credit card and make large monthly payments instead. For example, if my credit limit is $500 then charge about $200 and pay $50 each month. Which is best?””

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Can i get a mortgage after bankruptcy?
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Whats the best way to start my credit im only 18?
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Filing for bankruptcy and keep my house?
My husband and I are behind on our house payment about 4 months. He was laid off for almost a year. I have like 2 credit cards that are harassing me. Everything else we are fine on. We have one car and we are all up to date on it. we have tried to get a loan mod and other things, not approved. My question is, if we filed for bankruptcy can we keep our house? we live in arizona.””
“Can I qualify for an ATT family plan with no credit?

I am 18 and have very little, if any credit. My family is making a steady income now and prepaid is just not working for us any more. We end up paying more then we would with a plan. But my parents have been through a bankruptcy and have awful credit. I have a very small earning part time job, just around $100 a month and we cash the checks with my parents account. We also put my name on our internet a few months ago so I could build up credit. Though we pay with their account. Talking to the guy at the store he said I might pay a deposit, he said a guestimate would be $150 but he really didn’t seem that smart. He said we would have to run a credit check, it was late and I am debating on whether or not to do it. I know it takes away from credit to check (right?). I can afford a $200 deposit or so, but I can’t/won’t do a $700 one. Do any of you know around what I would pay on a deposit, or if I will have to pay one? Thanks!

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i want some loan asp
Where can I get afree credit reports?
I have been looking on line and every site ask for my credit card info. There use to be a totally free site.
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“”My husband is considering filing for bankruptcy, has anybody done this if so what happens?””
Can they take your vehicles and possesions? Some people i have talked to says they dont, and that it offers you a clean start. If anybody has been through this before please tell me all about it also is it possible for him to do it and keep me out ?””
Does chase let you withdraw money from an ATM with insufficient funds in your account?
Can I withdraw $200 dollars from my checking account with only $6 in it and get charged a $34 fee and go $-228 and pay it when I get payed in two weeks
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I am a resident of Dubai but i need to cancel my residency as i have quit my job there. Problem is, i have a bank loan too and i heard you have to clear all debt before leaving the country or go to jail. Does anyone know if this is true? or can i continue to pay it when im in another country? Also, im not in Dubai and want to send my passport by mail to cancel the visa. Will they hold my passport, inform the bank etc??””

Does anyone have a reliacard?
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Who is the cheapest Bankruptcy lawyer in Milwaukee?
I am looking to file Chapter 7 and as the situation stands I’m looking for an inexpensive lawyer to do this. I have gotten quotes from $1300-$1700, is there anyone that does the filing for less?””


Who can I turn to for a consolidation loan with less than perfect credit?
I have several credit cards and a couple of payday loans that I’m trying to clear up quickly. The 360.00 a month in fees for the payday loans is more than I can handle. If I could get a consolidation loan to get out from under some of this debt it would be a tremendous relief. My credit is not great but it’s not bad either. I do have a lot of debt which I am managing to pay every month but with nothing let over. One other thing, I have no collateral for a large loan. I would be willing to have the loan amount debited from my account every payday. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.””
“”Looking for a credit card, what is a decent APR percentage?””
I’m a college student, 19 years old so you can imagine what my credit is like. I have had no loans to gain credit, or anything for that matter. The only thing I have going for me is rental history. What would be a decent APR percentage for my first (and only) credit card? I’m not going to go wild on it, it’s mainly for emergencies only. As you can see, I’m new to this, so any advice you can give me would be helpful. Thanks :)””
Co signing for an auto loan?
My mother thinks she cosigned on an auto loan for my nephew. I think that someone pulled a fast one on her a she actually took out the loan. I have checked her credit report for her and the loan shows up on her credit report but is there any way to tell if she is the co signer. It just says she has an auto loan…would there be any designation on the credit report if she were the co signer as opposed to the only note holder. I don’t want to have her call the bank and ask because I don’t want to get her involved with all the fraud issues. The loan is and has been current for the life of the note to this date.
“”I want my auto loan company to pay off my car, let me keep it and give me a new one.?””
My auto finance company contacted me and told that since I owe less than $2,000 left, they would pay off my current auto loan and give me a new car in exchange for my old one. They also guaranteed a lower finance rate and lower payments. I originally told them no because I’m looking forward to not having anymore payments. However, I have a 16 year and realize the benefits of having 2 cars. So, I want to keep my current car and get a new one but I’m wondering if I can still get them to pay off my current car even though I want to keep it. I also don’t want to pay a down payment for the new one. This may seem greedy but I figured it doesn’t hurt to ask and with so many people not being able to pay for their cars, the company may be willing to work with their good customers. Has asked about this kind of thing and how’d it turn out for you? TIA””
Looking for a private lender for lloan for individual who has bad credit.?
I need a personal loan to make car repairs, paymedical expenses and help my single son with two children obtain a place to live.””
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Someone wants to pay me via Paypal…Scam?
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Where can I qualify for a motorcycle loan with bad credit?
The question says it all. I have recently paid off my car with perfect payment history and have been looking around in the market for possibly getting a new motorcycle. It will most likely be used. My credit is pretty poor from issues that happened when I was younger. around 550 credit score. I was wondering if anyone knew of any online financing or possibly any local financial intitutions (Las Vegas area) that would specialize in financing a motorcycle for someone with bad credit. (Of course I am prepared to drop about 2 grand as a downpayment on the bike)
“Can I qualify for an ATT family plan with no credit?

I am 18 and have very little, if any credit. My family is making a steady income now and prepaid is just not working for us any more. We end up paying more then we would with a plan. But my parents have been through a bankruptcy and have awful credit. I have a very small earning part time job, just around $100 a month and we cash the checks with my parents account. We also put my name on our internet a few months ago so I could build up credit. Though we pay with their account. Talking to the guy at the store he said I might pay a deposit, he said a guestimate would be $150 but he really didn’t seem that smart. He said we would have to run a credit check, it was late and I am debating on whether or not to do it. I know it takes away from credit to check (right?). I can afford a $200 deposit or so, but I can’t/won’t do a $700 one. Do any of you know around what I would pay on a deposit, or if I will have to pay one? Thanks!

Question regarding bankruptcy and foreclosure?
I have confirmed this with my attorney, but since I won’t be getting a second opinion from another attorney, I wanted to ask for public opinion here: I recently moved to a new state, and in my former state, I have a house which was recently foreclosed upon. The foreclosure sale occured a month ago, but the property was actually bought back by the lender, for approximately $35k less than our mortgage balance. The state the home was in was a state where the lender can come after the borrower for the deficiency. When I asked the lender about this, they said the deficiency amount has not yet been determined because they themselves have not yet sold the property. They did confirm they will not discharge teh deficiency, that it will remain an active balance owed, but whether they would legally come after me or not was uncertain. So now, my question. If I file bankruptcy, as I intend to in the upcoming week, will I be protected from any future deficiency determined by the lender, even if they don’t sell the property for another year or two? I feel relatively sure that the answer is yes, but again I ask for popular opinion because my attorney is in my current state and is not familiar with laws of the former state. But my understanding is that irregardless of the state laws or the date they determine a deficiency, I would be protected and this balance will be discharged under the federal guidelines of chapter 7 bankruptcy. This means, that if I file now, and two years from now the lender says I have a deficiency of $40k, they can not come after me for it, it would be discharged from the bankruptcy. Thoughts?””

What does one need to apply for a personal loan? ?
or an auto loan or any other kind fo loan from the bank? besides good credit..what other factors?
I would like a payday loan but i dont have a checking account?

What is the best credit card for someone with bad credit that wants to try and re-establish their credit?

“”A man took out a $44,000 construction loan to remodel a house. the loan rate is 8.6% interest per yr. to be?
rerpaid in six months. how much is paid back?
Why was our one day tax return declined???
My husband and I filed our taxes yesterday so we could get our refund asap. We decided to get it in one day and the bank declined and said it would be ready in two weeks. Was it declined because of bad credit? I asked the accountant and she didn’t know why it was declined only that it was.
Bank financed auto loan to buy an owner sold vehicle?
I found a beauty of a car being sold directly by the owner for $15,000. I was wondering, is possible to get an auto loan with my bank for a vehicle sold by a private owner? How does it work?””
What if I remarry would his bankruptcy affect me then?


Should I file bankruptcy?
Ok, I will take the blame for my credit problems. But over the past year I’ve been hospitalized several times and the combination of both credit card bills and hospital bills have accumulated quite a bit of debt. I work a job which is straight commission and because of the bad economy on top of the fact that I recently took a leave of absence from work and am collecting temporary disability I currently have about 50 dollars to my name. I’m in a serious relationship now and want to straighten thisw mess up but I don’t have any money for a lawyer. My question is should I file for bankruptcy? How do I file? Should I get a lawyer if I don’t have any money or should i represent myself?””

Is it best to wait out bad debt or file for bankruptcy?

Highly advanced science fair projects?
I’m in 11th grade honors physics and I am required to do a science fair experiment. Yes, I’ve done many before, but I’m having an incredibly hard time finding and interesting, testable question that is appropriate for my grade level and difficulty requirements. It doesn’t have to be physics related, so I can do something under any science topic (biology/chemistry/etc.) I would prefer not to do anything involving humans, animals, or bacteria because it would require me to apply for an IRB approval which is a pain in the butt to deal with, but if the project is really good enough I wouldn’t mind the extra work… I don’t necessarily need or want an entire, complete project, just a good question/problem/theory that I can branch off of. Please keep in mind the amount of difficulty required! Thanks!””
Can a small loan shark show up at your door?
i know as us Americans all have small fanatical bumps in the road in our own personal debt but for the past as for my self i had taken out a loan in my local area it’s not a bank it one of those type of payday loans and yes i was paying it well until some other things had came up and to those things was more importation at that time and once i would get straightening back out i would start paying back what could on this loan well just at the start of the year one of the employees from that office had showed up at my door demanding that give her money for my payment and i had told her that she would have to wait until next Friday until i had gotten paid and i would have there payment to them well just yesterday she had showed back up at my door again expecting me to pull money out of my butt to pay when i had told her once again that they would get there money by next Friday and i had asked her if can take a check and hold on to until Friday and she had told me no that i had better go and get a money order and if don’t get her a payment by next Friday that she would stopping back by my house again and i had asked her not to be stopping back by my home again and i didn’t like her tone of voice when she had said that i had better get in there before hand or I’ll be back at your door again if i don’t get my payment on top of this isn’t she trespassing on my land ( i do have my signs up) so today i had mail them a payment but it wasn’t a money order it was one of my personal checks and i had written them a little note telling them to take this payment or do without but what can i do if even if i just sent them the payment and she shows back up at the door again???? and to top this all all off just a few weeks before she had even stopped by my home she had been stocking my house i would watch her drive by my home and turn around in my neighbors drive she was doing this daily until a few weeks ago
If my parents are in bankruptcy can i still get a pell grant?
So here’s the situation: When i graduated in 2002 my parents made to much money for me to be able to recieve any financial aid for school. No big deal lones were an option but then i got engaged, ect. It is now 2008 and i want to get back into school. I will not be 24 until June and wanted to know if i still need to include my parents income into the fafsa since they are in bankruptcy?””
What ‘s the fastest/easiest way to get $100 by either June 30th or July 1st?
Don’t care for payday loans -NOT AN OPTION ok. I’ve already pawned some stuff. Didn’t get much money along with odd jobs for elderly neighbors too. Friends & family are not helpful either-have own money problems. On fixed income/disability too. No luck with personal loan from bank/credit union. Any suggestions or solutions will be appreciated.
Closing Lloyds bank.Urgent Help Needed?
Hello, I’ve a problem with lloyds bank.The problem is that they’re still sending my silver account fees AFTER I’d closed my bank account.They took my debit card but in fact my ONLINE banking is still OPEN!!!! How can it be???I wonder, do they closed my bank account or they just took my debit card but not closed my bank account???Is it possible??And at this moment Im abroad…I need really help.””

Trading in two cars for one upside down in loans.?
I was wondering if there was anyone that had experience with car dealerships that could help me. My husband and I have two cars. A Dodge 1500 and a Volkswagen Jetta. They’re both in very good condition but we’re upside down in both loans. Because of gas prices we wanted to try and trade them both in for one car. Is this a bad idea? Would we end up paying as much for one as we would for two, since we’re upside down in our loans? Thanks for your help.””
“”Where is a good place to get my credit report,what makes it different than others offering a free credit?””
report.I’m not sure where is a good place to go to get my credit report.Any suggestions,ideas?””
“”I was approved for a auto loan at my credit union, for 10k with 2k down, I am only looking for a used small?””
suv, my question is do I have to use the whole amount, because I can find a small suv for less then 10k that’s for sure. If I find a car-suv for less will that decrease my down payment?? I’m new to this whole credit union auto loan thing. Also what are the steps when dealing with the dealership but having the credit union finance me?? I don’t want to use the whole 10k Thanks for ANY HELP!””

Can we get a home loan with bad credit?
My husband and I are having a baby. This is number two. We live in a modular home in a college town and it seems that every weekend we have to tell our neighbors to turn the music down because they woke my daughter up. We have decided we need more space and would like to get out of this neighborhood. My husband is the only one that works. He makes good money though. We both have bad credit. His is from a computer he refused to pay for because it wasn’t what he ordered and he sent it back but its still on his credit report. We have tried to resolve the issue but we were told we still had to pay for it. He has a credit card he fell behind on, but we made payment arrangements and are paying it on time, and student loan. His score is still 524 though. Can we still get a loan?””

“Can I qualify for an ATT family plan with no credit?

I am 18 and have very little, if any credit. My family is making a steady income now and prepaid is just not working for us any more. We end up paying more then we would with a plan. But my parents have been through a bankruptcy and have awful credit. I have a very small earning part time job, just around $100 a month and we cash the checks with my parents account. We also put my name on our internet a few months ago so I could build up credit. Though we pay with their account. Talking to the guy at the store he said I might pay a deposit, he said a guestimate would be $150 but he really didn’t seem that smart. He said we would have to run a credit check, it was late and I am debating on whether or not to do it. I know it takes away from credit to check (right?). I can afford a $200 deposit or so, but I can’t/won’t do a $700 one. Do any of you know around what I would pay on a deposit, or if I will have to pay one? Thanks!

