Ok so i tryied to get a loan with loan pal but i think there somekind off scam now?

18 min readMar 21, 2019


Ok so i tryied to get a loan with loan pal but i think there somekind off scam now?

https://www.loanpal.co.uk/ its because i am now getting loads off spam from other companys in my phone and email saying we got a loan ect i gave my details over my date off birth my name my adress and my debit card info then first they said i had been acepted but then once i put my card info in keep decineing if im a victim off fraud because off this nothing has happened yet but if something does happen what do i do

Answer : I recommend you to visit this web page where you can compare from the best companies: https://tinyurl.com/y6b9fbn6 .

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I’ve since married(husband has excellent credit) I have credit cards that I was approved for online without having to fill out all info and one was store card I applied for to get mchdse discount and ended up qualifying for the better store name Visa card so I assume my credit’s good. I pay full balance when there is one. Now this online credit card app wants me to check this box saying my history clear of bankruptcy”””” That seems it can go either way. Maybe I don’t have to admit to it because it is technically clear of bankruptcy after 15 years””
“Ok so i tryied to get a loan with loan pal but i think there somekind off scam now?

https://www.loanpal.co.uk/ its because i am now getting loads off spam from other companys in my phone and email saying we got a loan ect i gave my details over my date off birth my name my adress and my debit card info then first they said i had been acepted but then once i put my card info in keep decineing if im a victim off fraud because off this nothing has happened yet but if something does happen what do i do

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“Ok so i tryied to get a loan with loan pal but i think there somekind off scam now?

https://www.loanpal.co.uk/ its because i am now getting loads off spam from other companys in my phone and email saying we got a loan ect i gave my details over my date off birth my name my adress and my debit card info then first they said i had been acepted but then once i put my card info in keep decineing if im a victim off fraud because off this nothing has happened yet but if something does happen what do i do

Personal and payday loans?
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Where can I apply to a bad credit credit card online?
So i have been trying to find a credit card to apply to online. i do ower quite a few banks money and have not too great of credit. but i do have a job and got approved for an apartment so now i want to see if i can get a credit card. however all the sites online either look real fishy, need a deposit or something stupid. so does anyone know any credit card and website i can apply on that will accept my bad credit, wont make me pay anything upfront, and isnt a scam???? and dont say oooh you shouldnt get a credit card because blah blah blah. im 20 years old i know about these things. i do plan on paying on my credit card, i only want it to fall back on incase I am really ****** one day.””

Personal loans?
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Why is it that you can’t get free online credit report in Canada?
You can only get the report if you send them all the requirements”””” through mail and wait for friggin 4 weeks to get your free copy of your credit report. Otherwise””
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I want to move and consolidate my debts at the same time which would mean no deposit and a 110% mortgage. I earn 90,000 pa in a completely secure job but have made very bad financial choices in the past which has left me in this situation. Any help””
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I was online looking for houses, One site it gives you the option to check your credit score and check to see like what it would be for you to get a mortgage. If I check these will it hurt my score? Thanks!””
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i already have a savings account that i maintain well. i just need help picking a good card
If I buy a house for 160 thousand?
With a 4.5 interest rate for a 30 year mortgage then rent it out for 1,400 and add 1,000 out of my money how fast will I pay my house off?””
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“”Filed bankruptcy Chapter 7, Now I want to keep house?
We have alot of credit card debt. If they allow us to discharge the debt we would be able to afford the house. It would be tight with 50 left over a month but we could stop adding to our deferred comp for a few years and then we would have 600–800 left a month. We didn’t feel very confident with only 50 left a month in case of emergencies etc but with 600 a month we feel much better. Are big problem was figuring a way to pay off home equity since we did a 80/20 loan (20 being a home equity) but we figured out how to get that paid off too with money from taxes etc. All in all we have FINALLY made some good financial decsions and are on the right track. THank you all so much for your advice :)
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Auto Loan: Should I pay my 8500 from my savings or just keep making payments until dec 2008?
Whats best? To pay off the auto loan and save approx 700$ over the period of 2 years, or just leave that money in the bank in my savings for emergency?””

How can I have someone assume my mortgage?
I unfortunately am going to have to move out of state. I bought my house in 2008 and with the short time I have been here plus the downturn I would not be able to sell this house outright. My mortgage is eligible for assumption but Chase was not very clear on how to do it. Is there a closing, what are closing costs like? I know they have to qualify for the mortgage, but I just am not to clear on the whole process.””

616 is this a bad credit score?

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What is the difference between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13? My ex has about $25K in credit card bill she can no longer pay due to job loss. She has talked with a credit agency but simply can’t afford the monthly payments.
When do you know the time to file for bankruptcy?
I have had two companies on the brink of failure due too the economy and I’m wondering is it better to wipe out $100k in bad debt or try and pay it back and get harrassed over the next 10 yrs. I am 25 yrs. old and think it would be easier to start all over?
I recieved a text about a loan? Anyone else get this?
When i went to check my phone to see what time it was because my mom likes to set the clocks in our house at different times(it’s so annoying). So it said need a payday loan up to $1
Will I get approved for a best buy credit card?
I got a credit card end of december 2008 and made all payments more than min payment, if not in full every month or before. I am looking to buy a decent hdtv from best buy, from what I understand, you can only get monthly payments using their credit card. Would I be approved with the credit I currently have? What kinda limit might I be looking at?””
“Ok so i tryied to get a loan with loan pal but i think there somekind off scam now?

https://www.loanpal.co.uk/ its because i am now getting loads off spam from other companys in my phone and email saying we got a loan ect i gave my details over my date off birth my name my adress and my debit card info then first they said i had been acepted but then once i put my card info in keep decineing if im a victim off fraud because off this nothing has happened yet but if something does happen what do i do

Could I get a debit card with a bad credit history?
I have a basic account, so can’t pay my bills online or via phone and it gets on my nerves.””




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a good place to watch sunset or sunrise in Las Vegas?
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if so, what was your experience good or bad and why?””


How do you buy condemned homes?


Why are business loans more expensive?
Im looking at a loan for some equipment for the business and after hearing about all the home loan cuts and how cheap they are i was surprised to see business loans are still high. Why are these much higher then personal home loans?
Do you have to be currently enrolled in college to recieve student loans?
I have over 70 college hours, but have never had a student loan, so I don’t know how they work. Do I have to be currently enrolled to get one and do I have to show proof of college credit for that semester? And my credit is not too great””
“”Someone has got a mortgage loan in my name without my permission, what do i do?””
I am almost positive that i know who it is. its under my social and everything, and trust me, i picked my name out, so i dont think it could be the same name.””
“”Good credit, low income, co-signer auto loan question?””
hello all! so, i have a good credit score, but low income roughly 1k a month (hard to work anymore while attending full time classes) the dealership came back to me by saying my income was a little short, and they would like to see 2k a month for financing would it be better to go with my dad as a co-signer, who has bad credit (500's), but high income or a friend who has good credit, but about the same income as me 1k/month i know my dad cosigning would shoot my APR up but, would the dealer take into account my cosigners income along with my own? 1k+1k = 2k (the requirement)?””
Is it better to take a debt settlment rather than bakruptcy?
im qualified for a chapter 7 bankruptcy but my total debt is around 20,000… i work a ten dollar and hour job and have 2 kids to support, my debt to income is overwhelmng and im just wondering if it is easier to overcome if i do a settlement, or bankruptcy, i know bankruptcy came be on it for 10 years but im wondering if paying it all off by settlements will just be a waste of time, and have the same effect as to what bankruptcy does thx””
What could overcome my frustration to get auto credit for bad credit ?
Will anyone help to overcome it? Thanks!

Around how much do they charge on a prepaid penalty for a car loan ?
the car was 12000 the interest is 7000 i want to pay off the car in 2 years i know now that i would have 2 pay the 2400 dollars interest for those 2 years but around how much if any for the pre paid interest do you think i owe …thank you so much for everyone help on line…
Stolen Idenitity! What to do to clean up Credit Report?
Found on my 18th that owned 3 auto loans since I was twelve, has a bunched of credit cards that a never owned, and register’s with many billing Programs.””
Is there any REAL way to get a free credit report?
need info?
Who still does ITIN home loans?

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Pre-Approved Auto Loan Question?
This pre-approved auto loan offer is from my credit union that I actually bank with, and they have handled my previous car that I now own and numerous personal loans on my behalf.””
How do you file bankruptcy and what are the effects?
We do have a business that has been running for 11 years but financial global crisis hit our business. Therefore, in effect we are not able to pay all our creditors. We have a little money left for a chance to roll it for the operation of the business but creditors keep on pushing us to pay them. We already tried to explain to them to give us time to recover first before they star collecting payments from us so that the little amount can recover gradually. But, they don’t want to listen and the little amount the serves the only hope for us to recover has been consumed by those people. That is why we are planning to file bankruptcy. Please advice how (procedures) we can file and the effects to our creditors etc. thank you.””
“Ok so i tryied to get a loan with loan pal but i think there somekind off scam now?

https://www.loanpal.co.uk/ its because i am now getting loads off spam from other companys in my phone and email saying we got a loan ect i gave my details over my date off birth my name my adress and my debit card info then first they said i had been acepted but then once i put my card info in keep decineing if im a victim off fraud because off this nothing has happened yet but if something does happen what do i do

