Solar Family and Competition

DAO Solar Family
4 min readNov 26, 2019


With the renewable energy market booming, lots of projects have appeared in the last few years. Some of them have dropped out of the competition and some have achieved their goals and become real companies. In this article, we will tell you about the renewable-energy projects that have caught our eye and will bring them into comparison with Solar Family.


Vectorium is a renewable energy project that aims to produce energy out of biomass, wind generation and solar power. The backbone of this projects is 300 islands that Vectorium plans to create around the world on where it will build renewable energy factories that will be generating energy combining waste processing, solar and wind energy.

The project intends to develop an artificial intelligence that will control the operation of these plants and a native blockchain, using which people can exchange energy for the project’s token VCTP. Vectorium has so far raised over $4 million through an IEO on Finexbox. However, currently, the trade is seemingly offline, with a single price fluctuation registered on the chart since 27 September 2019.


VenusEnergy is a project that undertakes to redesign the whole human culture and the way of living from the current hugely imperfect ones to ones that will make the Earth’s resources a common heritage for all people of the Earth and will minimise the social problems common across the globe, maximising the quality of life for all people. The project’s greatest biggest advocate Jacques Fresco stated that the cornerstone of today’s social problems is the profit-first ideology that is common to most countries.

To eliminate this, he offered a new economic model for the world — resource-based economy. In this type of economy all goods and services should be available to all without the need for means of exchange, such as money. In the first place, the Venus Projects intends to make clean energy a common good.-The project looks hugely ambitious and states to do such monumental things that it may simply seem irrealisable to many, given the civilisation we live in. In order to make it fully work, the current fundamental principles of our civilisation should be cast down and replaced with something that should encourage a globally spread behaviour toward ‘the maximum benefit of people and planet’.

The project ran its IEO, the fundraising figures not being publicly available.


This project is being developed by a team of Siemens AG employees being an inside-company project. Connect2evolve sets itself a goal of creating a grid of Solartrainers — cell-type solar smart power plants, equipped with solar panels, energy storage, satellite internet, and grid cabling — in order to provide electricity for remote villages in Senegal. One Solartrained is capable to supply electricity for a rural village with a population of 4,000 people, empowering not only for households but also social infrastructure.

The project has issued a digital token in order to implement decision-making on the project’s development, considering the opinions of its crowdfunders. The token should also serve to tokenise energy produced and incentivise ownership of energy in the community, the token being an equivalent of a certain amount of generated energy.

Solar Family

Let us now compare what the above presented projects do with what we do at Solar Family and how we are different. Solar Family is a decentralised autonomous organisation (DAO) operating in the field of renewable energy. Our DAO project will unite supporters of clean energy from around the world. The choice to make a decentralised organisation was made in pursuit of common good with the DAO structure seen as the most efficient model for our purpose. This structure makes possible a non-profit approach to clean energy with a focus on the mission rather than on monetary goals typical for centrally financed organisations. Thus, it enables us to consistently work toward increasing our resourcefulness for providing clean renewable energy.

Solar Family has two digital tokens: SOF and SOR. SOF is a security token that is meant to help attract funding for the project. The SOF token is burnable and can be burnt by the owner at his/her own discretion. The SOR token is a utility reputation token that allows to take part in voting. The larger share of the token emission one has, the more importance their vote has.

The main technological components of Solar Family include:

  • Token manager — controls the issuance and burning of SOF tokens
  • Voting — in charge of managing consensus and decision-making
  • Vault — a cold storage for the tokens of ERC-20, ERC-721, ERC-1400 standards
  • Finance — manages transactions conducted using Vault and keeps a record of operations
  • Agent — an interoperability module that allows to use third-party smart contracts
  • Permissions — a module that governs permissions for all DAO modules
  • App Center — a module that allows to download new mobile apps.

With this blend of innovative digital technology already at hand, and innovative clean energy generators that we are going to build in Spain we will at least keep up with the competition if not get ahead of it.



DAO Solar Family

DAO Solar Family is a decentralised autonomous organisation for investing in solar energy. Website: