Newsletter 6-Jun-2018
2 min readJun 6, 2018


Our Privacy Policy has been updated in compliance with General Data Protection Regulation.

Product launch: The live product of our Booking Deposit Module has been put on Cloud last week. Comparing to the prototype version that has been tested by many shippers and liners in the industry over the past 7 months, including live shipments out of Malaysia and China, the live production system has (1) comprehensive user administration features that help organize access of multiple users of same company to the same token account; (2) a booking deposit counter offer function for the liners; and (3) some more comprehensive token account and booking views. The live production system will be open for user acceptance test from June 7. However, after the system goes live in June, continuous enhancements will be carried out particularly in the areas of data interchange with external systems.

Liner participation: Four leading global container liners have agreed to participate in our solution in various pilot modes. Some will participate on shipper-by-shipper basis while other will start in selected regional market segment. In any case, the industry participation so far has been way ahead of the market expectation at the time our whitepaper was published last August.

Customer onboarding: We have over 100 and counting shippers signed up for our solution, which, we estimate, may represent close to 1mn TEU in volume. Once our Booking Deposit Module is online, we will reach out to the shippers already signed up to help them to kick-start their use of our solution. Peak season of container shipment is about to start. We believe our solution for securing bookings will come in handy for both shippers and liners. If you are a shipper and interested in knowing how our solution could help you secure booking confirmation from the container liners, please visit our website here or email us at

Token sale update: The public sale of our ICO has been concluded few weeks ago. We collected another 421 Ethers. Together with our previous token sales, we have collected 2,009 Ethers, which provided about $1–1.2mn proceeds for our project development. Our token holder base has increased from just 150 to over 18k over the past 2 months. Our tokens are now listed in three exchanges namely Etherdelta, Forkdelta and COSS.IO. We are very grateful for all the supports given to us.

