[ 300FIT NEWS ] Fitness market is changing, Fitness stars becoming ‘Sports Content Copyright’ 2018.12.30

2 min readMay 17, 2019


Source: http://www.ksilbo.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=675429

The fitness market is in a state of upheaval!

Home training is gaining huge popularity through YouTube and SNS, even ‘Mobile Home Training App’ by global sports brands or ‘Fitness Tech,’ which applied technology to exercise like ‘O2O service’ which transmits trainers and customers across online and offline are joined.

Ostensibly, the fitness market is definitely growing.

​But among 7,000 fitness centers nation widely, 30 percent of those go out of business within three years, and trainers still remain anxious about the future, as industry’s unwritten law of retirement in mid to late 30s.

Meanwhile, a new player named ‘300kcal’ appeared.

It is a platform born from the concept of ‘exercise experts themselves can be copyright holders,’ and it said, exercise experts, or trainers, can earn direct copyright returns on their creations, just like in entertainment fields such as music and art.

Countless sports experts around the world have posted their videos on YouTube or social networking sites, but only earning indirect profits such as sponsorship or advertising based on the number of view. There was no such idea.

And while wondering how the trainers challenged the all-new market would react, was able to meet up with joohyun Hyung, Seobin Ha and Jaeyoon Jung, the fitness stars and creators of 300kcal contents at the 300kcal opening ceremony.

Digital news section- Junghwan Bae : karion79@ksilbo.co.kr

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300Fit is a blockchain project for personal health training market. as a content provider for Samsung Health, having 300kcal APP available.