Bring the Power of Bicycles to rural Africa.

Fundraise for World Bicycle Relief!

30 Days of Biking
2 min readMar 9, 2017


In 2017, 30 Days of Biking is teaming up with World Bicycle Relief to mobilize students, healthcare workers and entrepreneurs in developing countries with the Power of Bicycles.

Having a bike is already profound, because of the freedom and joy biking gives you every time you sit on your saddle. But in rural Africa, the Buffalo Bicycle means the difference between a three-hour walk to school and a 45-minute bike commute. It’s life-changing. On top of that, World Bicycle Relief creates new economic opportunities by training field mechanics and employing bike assemblers. Jobs, bikes, freedom, joy — that’s so powerful.

Join us in mobilizing students, healthcare workers, and entrepreneurs by starting your fundraiser for World Bicycle Relief today! Our sponsor Surly Brewing Company will be matching all donations $ for $ UP TO $3,500 to help us reach our goal of $10,000!

So, let’s review your awesome action plan:

Step 1: Make the pledge to join 30 Days of Biking, ride your bike every day in April and share your adventures online.

Step 2: Visit our World Bicycle Relief page, create an account, and start fundraising.

Step 3: Join us in raising $10,000 total, with up to $3,500 matched by Surly Brewing Company.

Step 4: Love your bicycle even more! Throughout April and beyond.

Click here to receive inspiring, interesting and informative information from World Bicycle Relief.



30 Days of Biking

April 1–30, 2017 // Ride your bike every day in April and share your adventures online. Sign up starting March 1 at