Perfect Home Garage Parking Sensor

Arvind Karunananthan
4 min readMar 7, 2020


My motivation came from a couple of projects from online, some of the projects were toll gate system using the same components as i used, another was a door lock system, and also a ultrasonic sensor with LCD that had an IR blaster sensor with a remote to turn the device on and off. The motivation for this project was mainly due to the fact that my family car does not have parking sensors and since it is a van it can be hard to park sometimes, especially in a 2 car garage with another large sedan parked next to it. Since my van has to clear both the distance between the front wall of the garage and the front bumper, as well as between the garage door and rear bumper. Therefore I came up with the idea to create a car parking sensor that can display my distance and provide two accurate warnings to aid parking in my garage.

Process Pictures

Image of the chosen device(

New Device You Created

Drawing/diagram of how the new device works

This device’s technical components consist of an ultrasonic sensor, buzzer, 2 LED’s, wires, female jumper wires, LCD, bread board, Arduino module and a servo motor. This device will display the distance of the gap between the front wall of the garage and car bumper. It will also display the angle of the servo motor in degrees. The servo motor holds a mirror which will rotate in 180 degrees and stop once the ultrasonic senses the first warning(red led). The mirror will help in reverse parking. My new device helps me get the best parking position with two LED’s and buzzer that act as first and second warnings. The distance can be customized to your car, for my car the distance in which my van’s rear bumper clears the back garage door is around 75 cm from the front wall. Basically if my van is 75 cm from the front wall the van will clear the garage door, this will be the first warning which will be the red led. The second warning will be the green led joined with the buzzer too, which will be around half of 75 cm which is the perfect gap length between the front bumper and front wall. This setting provides balanced gaping between the front wall and garage door for my car.

Working Demo/Concept Video of My New Device


Reflection on Your Design and Work Process Including The Feedback You Received

Overall this project helped me learn a lot about coding and electric components. Before this project I had no knowledge of Arduino. Now I am able to follow circuits and manipulate code. This project helped me learn about Arduino and help solve a real issue that I've had daily. Overall my class commented that it worked and gave steady feedback to the user therefore it is a solid effort for a project, but it is similar to parking sensors that today’s luxury cars have. The only difference is that my sensor provides parking feedback for clearance of the rear bumper of your car and the garage door. It is a common household mistake to either the garage door falling on your car, or the car tailgate hitting the garage door.

Future Considerations

From the class discussions i got advice that i could give the servo a different purpose, which is to make the servo control an arm that moves up presenting a “good parking” sign when the car approaches the second warning.

sources/references/works cited

